  • 期刊


Sports Training for Preventing and Reducing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries


本文主要在探討預防及減少前十字韌帶(Anterior Cruciate Ligament, ACL)傷害之運動訓練方式。透過文獻的探討、統整與歸納出不同之預防ACL損傷之訓練計劃的方法。其中,神經肌肉訓練、力量訓練以及平衡、肌力、跳躍訓練可以增強運動員的運動能力並預防ACL之損傷。此外,透過肌電圖的應用,也有機會糾正高風險運動之運動員肌力不平衡的情況,進而減少ACL之損傷。相關的內容希望可以提供教練與選手作為參考。


This article mainly discussed the training methods for preventing and reducing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Through the literature review, the authors classified and summarized different training methods of preventing ACL injuries. Among them, neuromuscular training, strength training, balance training, muscle strength training, and jump training enhanced the athlete's athletic ability and prevented ACL injuries. In addition, the application of electromyography may correct the imbalance of muscle strength in high-risk athletes, thereby reduce the risk of ACL injuries. Hope relevant information in this article could be provided to coaches and players.


injury prevention knee prophylactic training


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