  • 期刊


Relationships among Parenting Stress, Social Support, and Quality of Life: Comparisons of Parents of People with and without Disabilities




Purpose: Parenting stress and social support are essential factors that influence quality of life (QOL). This study examines and presents a comparison of the relationships among parenting stress, social support, and the QOL of parents of people with and without disabilities in Taiwan. Methods: I used 35 studies that examined parents of people with disabilities and 18 studies that examined parents of people without disabilities from 1987 to 2011. Thereafter, methods of meta-analysis, path analysis, and t test were applied. Findings: The meta-analyses indicated that the correlation coefficient between parenting stress and social support was -.25 (k = 22, N = 2,478), the correlation coefficient between parenting stress and QOL was -.37 (k = 24, N = 2,746), and the correlation coefficient between social support and QOL was .34 (k = 15, N = 1,276) among parents of people with disabilities. Among parents of people without disabilities, the correlation coefficient between parenting stress and social support was -.25 (k = 9, N = 2,830), the correlation coefficient between parenting stress and QOL was -.45 (k = 8, N = 3,966), and the correlation coefficient between social support and QOL was .49 (k = 5, N = 969). Moreover, parenting stress had direct negative effects on social support (γ = -.25) and QOL (γ = -.30), but social support had direct positive effects on QOL (β = .26) among parents of people with disabilities. Among parents of people without disabilities, parenting stress had direct negative effects on social support (γ = -.25) and QOL (γ = -.35), but social support had direct positive effects on QOL (β = .40). Examination of the structural equation modeling (SEM) of the 2 groups indicated that the path coefficients of parenting stress on social support were equal. However, the path coefficients of social support on QOL and parenting stress on the QOL of parents of people with disabilities were significantly smaller than those of the other group. Conclusions/Implications: Researchers and policymakers were advised to reduce parents' parenting stress and raise their social support to improve their QOL because they had significant influences. However, parenting stress and social support only explained 20% of variance of QOL on parents of people with disabilities; thus, exploring other predictors to improve QOL theories regarding parents was beneficial.


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