  • 期刊


Determinants of Medical Utilization by Chronic Psychotic Patients Who Reside at Home




Objective: This study investigated medical utilization including the number of National Health Insurance Certificates, inpatient care, and rehabilitation services by chronic psychotic patients who resided at home in Taiwan.Methods: Records of 402 Home Care Chronic Psychotics were retrieved from the 2000 National Survey on the Welfare Status of the Registered Mentally and Physically Disabled. We determined the volume of medical utilization and its determinants by using the statistical methods of Frequency tables, Poisson Regression and Logistic Regression. We also used a two-part model and Negative Binominal Regression to analyze the determinants of the rates and volume of inpatient admissions.Results: Of these patients, 39.8% were defined as high NHI medical users who used over 5 certifi cate cards; 69.15% and 16.67% visited psychiatric outpatient services and internal medicine outpatient services, respectively. Dental care utilization was quite low (0.75%); 29.6% used inpatient care and 23.13% used rehabilitation services. The utilization of NHI Certifi cates was determined by predisposing factors, enabling factors, and need. Utilization of rehabilitation services was determined by predisposing factors and enabling factors. Inpatient admission was determined by need (self-assessed health status); however, the volume of inpatient care for those admissions was determined by predisposing and enabling factors.Conclusions: Medical utilization by chronic psychotic patients was varied and determined by predisposing, enabling, and need factors. The study results suggest that the fairness and appropriateness of medical utilization by chronic psychotics in home care need to be taken into account as part of policy making to improve the quality of their health care.


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