  • 期刊


Influence of Harvest Maturity on the Storage Quality of Muskmelon




The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of harvest maturity of muskmelon on the quality changes during low temperature storage. Two varieties, autumn waltz and autumn sweet, of muskmelons were planted in I-Lan county from early spring to mid summer in 1997. Muskmelons were harvested under two maturities and were stored at 4 ° condition. Color of skin, color of flesh, texture of flesh, rate of rottness, and total solids content were the index for the quality change investigation. During the 25 days' storage, the quality index showed that all samples were under good condition that were very close to the quality of muskmelon right after harvest no matter what the maturity was. No obvious difference was found between two varieties. Some rotten samples found at the end of storage was probably resulted from the growth of molds and fungi.


muskmelon storage quality harvest maturity
