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A Perioperative Nursing Experience of an Ulcerative Colitis Patient Undergoing Hartmann's Operation




The purpose of this article was to describe a perioperative nursing experience of an ulcerative colitis patient undergoing Hartmann's operation. From March 6 to March 7, 2019, data were collected through observation, interview, physical assessment, and chart review. The perioperative nursing model was applied to assess patient's overall health. The health problems identified included anxiety, potential risk of surgical situation injury, and body image disturbance. At preoperative visiting the author informed the patient of the perioperative process to relieve his anxiety. Posturing position was to prevent the patient from inadvertent retention of foreign material, and maintain safety for avoiding the potential risk of surgical situation injury. Providing mental support and guiding positive viewpoint made the patient accept the existing intestinal stoma. Hopefully, this nursing experience can serve as a reference for caring the similar patients.


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