  • 期刊


Investment Feasibility Analysis of Chicken Excrement Biomass Energy Generation


近年來世界先進國家皆重視再生能源的使用,而台灣之能源由於仰賴進口,故政府單位近年積極投入於加強我國之能源自主性與再生能源之發展。使用雞糞廢棄物做為生質能燃燒發電之原料,除了可以提供多一種再生能源選項、解決土地汙染問題,相較其他類型之再生能源,無季節性空洞期之問題,故有其值得研究評估及發展之重要性。本研究的問卷分析結果顯示,雞糞供給之主觀意願方面,大多數之養雞戶同意提供雞糞給予燃燒發電廠再利用,但對於影響提供雞糞與否之因素,出售方式的不同有顯著差異性存在。又本研究發現,提供雞糞予燃燒發電廠之同意程度與無償供給雞糞之雞農呈負相關,即目前無償供給雞糞之雞農提供雞糞予燃燒發電廠之同意程度,較目前有償售出雞糞之雞農來得小。設廠鄉鎮選擇方面,透過運輸成本最小的客觀考量,顯示以彰化縣當中之芳苑鄉為最適合的雞糞燃燒發電廠設立鄉鎮,於財務之投資成本收益方面,在業者原料購買模式,以及政府補助程度下的投資報酬分析可以發現,業者在有購料費支出的模式下皆無法在15 期內獲利;業者無購料費支出之獲利會較有購料費替代支出多;政府給予業者期初建設經費補助越多,還本期越短。


Advanced countries have increased their emphasis on renewable energy in recent years, while sources of energy in Taiwan depend mostly on imports, so in recent years, the government has been actively involved in strengthening the autonomy of Taiwan’s energy autonomy and renewable energy development. Using chicken manure as the raw material for biomass power generation not only provides another option for renewable energy but also solves the problem of land pollution. In addition, comparing with other type of renewable energy it doesn't have the problem of seasonal vacancies. Therefore, there is value to researching and developing chicken manure biomass energy. According to the questionnaire analysis, most manure suppliers agree to provide chicken manure for burning power plants. However, as with the factors of manure supply, there is significant difference between the supplies of manure. Furthermore, there is negative relationship between the agreement of provision of manure and price charge of manure. That is, the degree of agreement of manure provision is higher for free charge than that with charge. Based on the objective consideration of the minimum transportation cost, Fangyuan township in Changhua County is determined to be the most suitable town to set up a chicken manure burning power plant. In terms of the financial cost benefit analysis of the investment, analysis can be done regarding the level of government investment and raw material purchasing mode of the industry. If there are material expenditures by the industry, then they have no way to be profitable within 15 periods; the profitability of no material expenditure is better than the profitability of substitute material expenditure; the larger the initial construction grant the government gives to the industry, the shorter the industry’s repayment period.


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