  • 期刊


Relationship of Age at Menarche to Body Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index in Taipei Schoolgirls




初經 女學童 體重 身高 身體質量指數


Background and Purpose: To investigate the relationship between age at menarche to body height, weight, and body mass index in Taipei schoolgirls. Methods: Nine hundred eighty five schoolgirls, third grade elementary school to first grade senior high school, were enrolled in a cross-sectional study by multiple stages randomized sampling method. The body height and body weight were measured by school nurses or collected from school health records. The menarcheal data was collected from self-administrated questionnaires. According to the BMI norms for children and adolescents published by Department of Health, Executive Yuan, we divided samples as wellnourished and undernourished groups, then compared the menarcheal body weights among one another. Results: The menarcheal age of schoolgirls is 12.11±1.04 years old with 95% C.l., 10.07~14.15 years old, while the menarcheal body weight 45.40±8.17kg, body height 153.44±6.53cm, BMI 19.26±3.10kg/m^2. 16.2% of attendee is catagorized as high BMI group, while 15.4% as low BMI group, the other 68.4% as normal BMI groups. Comparing the menarcheal weight among three groups (high BMI group 55.8±5.07kg, normal BMI groups 42.5±3.53kg, low BMI group 36.9±2.14kg), showed significant difference statistically. Comparing the menarcheal age among three groups (the high BMI group is 12.2±0.45 years old, the normal BMI group 11.7±0.61 years old, the low BMI group 12.1±0.66 years old), showed significant difference statistically. The Arthropometric data of schoolgirls with menstruation is statistical higher then those without menstruation among fifth grade elementary schools to first grade junior high school respectively. Conclusion: The menarcheal weight of our study is similar to the Frisch's hypothesis critical weight of 46kg. Comparing to the similar study done in Taipei fifteen years ago, the menarcheal body weight of this study is heavier by 2.4kg, and menarcheal age less by 0.37 year. The menarcheal data according to BMI grouping can be implemented by local clinicians or further studied by scholars. Since the menarche is influenced by hereditary genetics, surrounding environment, nutrition, and endocrinological status, there exist enormous questions that's needed to be explored.


menarche schoolgirl body weight body height body mass index


蔡士棹(2006)。手腕骨骼與頸椎骨骼成熟相關性 以及女性初潮年齡提早趨勢之探討〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.02291
