  • 期刊


Current Status of Patients with Visual Disability in a Regional Hospital in Taipei


目的:分析臺北市某區域醫院身心障礙手冊之視覺障礙類別鑑定結果,以瞭解視障之人口學組成及致殘成因。方法:彙整2016 年臺北市某區域醫院開立身心障礙手冊之視覺障礙類別的鑑定資料進行分析。結果:2016 年,共有264 位符合身心障礙鑑定之視障者納入分析。結果為男性居多,男性(57.20%),女性(42.80%)。過半數者為65 歲以上的老人(54.92%)。根據視障嚴重程度,一半屬於輕度視障(50.38%)。造成視覺障礙的五大主要病因,依次遞減為青光眼、老年性黃斑退化、糖尿病視網膜病變、視神經病變及退化性近視。結論:根據此結果希望能提供早期預防視覺障礙相關之公衛措施、醫療保健的參考,而處於弱勢的視覺障礙患者可依其致殘成因規劃更完善的醫療照顧及視覺復健之路。


視覺障礙 低視力 臺北市


Objective: This study aimed to analyze the assessment results of physically and mentally disabled people with confirmed visual handicap in a regional hospital in Taipei City to understand their demographic variables and causes of visual disability. Methods: The 2016 assessment data of confirmed visually handicapped people in a regional hospital was collected and analyzed. Results: A total of 264 visually disabled people confirmed between January and December 2016 were included in the statistical analysis. The subjects were male dominant (male: 57.20%; female: 42.80%). Most of the subjects were above 65 years old (54.92%). For severity of visual handicap, half were of mild visual disability (50.38%). The five leading causes of visual disability, as ranked in decreasing frequencies, were glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, optic neuropathy and degenerative myopia. Conclusion: According to the results of this analysis, we wish to provide public measures and medical treatments reference for early prevention of visual impairment. In addition, the disabled patients with visual impairment will be able to improve life quality via appropriately medical care and visual rehabilitation base on individual etiology.


