  • 期刊


The Positioning, Pricing Policy of Direct Selling Company and Perception of Customer on Cosmetic Products




The direct selling is a personal selling. The income of a direct seller is a certain percentage of the product price. The direct seller is a consumer as well as a seller. When choosing a product, the direct seller considers not only his/her own need for the product but also the return on the investment of his/her time and effort. Therefore, the direct selling company will set its pricing policy in consideration of the market competition and the acceptance of the direct sellers. The price of the direct selling product is perceived higher than it should be. This research tries to study the positioning and pricing policy of direct selling products and compare their price with that of the traditional marketing channel products. The nutrition supplement product is the biggest product category in direct selling. However, it has no clear competitor in the traditional marketing channel, so we choose the cosmetic product that has clear counter parts in the traditional marketing channel as the example to study. This study used personal interview and questionnaire survey as the research methods. We interviewed the top management of the top 9 direct selling companies about their positioning and pricing policy. We also surveyed the consumers about their perception on the quality and price of cosmetic product in the direct selling as well as the traditional channel. In addition, we compared the price of direct selling cosmetic products to the price of the counter parts in the traditional marketing channel. In the study we found that most of the price of direct selling cosmetic products are lower than that of the general cosmetic products. In positioning and pricing strategy, direct-selling companies often adopted image pricing strategy but seldom adopted saturating pricing strategy. In promotion strategy, direct-selling companies often give discount for a certain period of time. In the factors affecting the pricing strategy, manufacturing cost was the major factor and the second was the product positioning. For most customers, the most important factor for them to buy the cosmetic product is quality. Therefore the manufacturing cost and the characteristics of the product must be taken into consideration for the direct-selling companies pricing policy.
