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藉由同儕諮詢來訓練「報告寫作」的論証技巧-試論導入台灣中級日語作文課之可行性-|Using "peer response" to foster reasoning and argumentation in report writing: for the study of intermediate Japanese writing in Taiwan




從培育日語人材的觀點來看,台灣高等教育機關的日語相關科系是非常重視報告製作能力。但是台灣的學習者,從小學入學後的就不太有撰寫論理性文章的經驗;因此對於報告的撰寫多少都有些不安,更何況須要用外語撰寫時,其不安程度可想而知是會倍增的。本論文希望能改善這樣的情況,試著在中級日語作文課中導入鈴木宏昭(2009)所提倡的「Report writing」的指導法;主要是著重在「論証」技巧形成的部份。在實際的教學實踐過程中,以「最好的交通方式」為作文題目,並依據「Report writing」教學中的同儕諮詢的概念來進行教學活動,並請同學依據教學活動的結果將其寫成文章。換句話說就是希望同學由同儕諮詢的過程來建立其論証的技巧。教學實踐的結果發現透過同儕諮詢,學習者會針對其設定的「對象」的特性來討論什麼是好的、其要素為何、該如何判斷;再者,我們也從冋儕諮詢的過程及學習者的文章作品中,發現學習者會一邊提示「符合其設定對象的條件」來完成論証。換句話說,透過此次的教學實踐,可觀察到,同儕諮詢可加強學習者去意識,作文題目中的對象、主張型報告所須的要素、提示符合對象所需的証據,也就是說透過同儕諮詢可以完成有效地指導主張型報告之撰寫。|In a Taiwanese higher education setting, Japanese foreign language instruction typically emphasizes report writing in Japanese as part of the language acquisition process. But this emphasis can pose formidable challenges for Taiwanese students, who typically lack exposure in the Taiwanese educational system, from primary school upward, to the fundamentals of asserting and presenting arguments in an e ssay format. As such, writing a report organized around a central thesis is a daunting enough assignment for a Taiwanese student in his or her own language, to say nothing of attempting this feat in a foreign language. This paper seeks to address this problem among Taiwanese students studying Japanese by applying Suzuki Hiroaki's (2009) concepts of "report writing" to their classroom instruction. Central to Suzuki's philosophy on the instruction of report writing is the fostering of a student's ability to form and defend an argument, and "peer response" is Suzuki's primary method in instilling such argumentation skills in his students. Peer response often help students understand not only how to formulate and defend their theses, but also who their readership is and the perspectives and biases that certain outside readers are likely to bring to bear on a discussion regarding a particular thesis. Thus, peer response sessions help budding essay writers to anticipate certain readers' reactions to their essays: a key component in constructing a tighter, more persuasive thesis.


大島弥生(2003)。日本語アカデミック・ライティング教育の可能性―日本語非母語・母語話者双方に資するものを目指して―。言語文化と日本語教育。?刊特集=zoukan tokusyugou,198-224。
鈴木宏昭編(2009)。学びあいが生みだす書く力─大学におけるレポートライティング教育の試み。丸善?????株式?社=Maruzen pura netto kabusikigaisya。
