  • 期刊


Application of Programmable Logic Controller and Human Machine Interface for an Inspection Automation Mechanism


自動化是現今工業快速發展下必要的競爭利器,而自動化的過程中,具備高度穩定性及一致性,且開發成本低廉的可程式控制器扮演著極為重要的角色,常被用來作為製造業自動化的主要工具,因此,本文盼能將上述可程式控制器的眾多優點引入需時常在有毒環境中長時間反覆進行且結果容許誤差極小,並須兼具高度一致性及精準度的化學實驗中,藉由可程式控制器的開發並配合使用者介面的設計,發展出一套自動化實驗設備,代替人力進行試驗,以減少化學實驗對於操作人員之傷害,並降低誤差值,提高實驗精準度。在本研究中,首先將實驗流程劃分成數個步驟,並將各步驟的動作順序、時間流程加以分析繪製成動序時間流程圖,接著選定執行各個動作且符合實驗規範之硬體裝置,了解各裝置的線路設計。其次,將各項裝置的線路依系統的需求加以改造,並配合可程式控制器的接點進行系統配線規劃。接著,根據動序時間流程圖以及系統配線,進行軟體規劃,並以WinProLadder及View X分別設計可程式控制器階梯圖程式及使用者介面,以實現軟體規劃裡的各個動作及功能需求。最後,進行系統的測試,分別針對各個裝置進行實驗,紀錄實驗結果,並將結果與容許誤差值加以分析比較並改善,最終完成一套可取代人力操作的自動化檢驗設備,提供實驗單位更精準優良的實驗方法,作為日後相關化學實驗參考之用。


Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), due to its high-level stability and consistency, and the low cost of its development, was integrated with a set of automatic equipments to replace human in the hazardous experiments from chemical experiments, and to lower the allowable error so as to enhance the accuracy of the experiments. In this research, firstly, we divide the experiment process into several steps, and draw flow charts according to the operation sequence and time-phased of steps. Secondly, rewire the circuits of the devices needed in accordance with the requirement of the system, and plug the proper interface connector to match the contacts of the PLC. Then, conduct software programming according to the flow chart and the wiring of the system with the use of WinProLadder and View X respectively. Then, run tests on the entire system, and also perform comparative analysis on the results to make possible further improvements. Finally, come up with an automatic inspection system to replace manual operations in order to provide test units more reliable experiments, which can be used for reference for relevant chemical experiments in the near future.
