  • 期刊


Effect of Different Pitching Approaches on Accuracy and Distance in Females Softball Players


The purpose was to examine the effect of different pitching approaches on accuracy and distance of ball-passing, and the relationship between upper body strength and accuracy and pitching distance invar sit softball players. Subject were females (N=13) and two of them were lefthanders. Physical characteristics were age(18.73±1.91 yrs),height(159.10±5.41 cm),weight(57.38±8.74 kg),BMI(22.17±2.24 kg/M^2),percent body fat (22.31±4.87%), fat free weight(43.50±4.68 kg).Absolute grip and back strength were 31.03±3.61nd 89.99±12.85 kg, respectively. Relatie grip and back strength were 0.55±0.07 and 1.58±0.21 kg/kg body weight, respectively. Sit-and-reach for 30and 60 second were 21.55±2.61 and 37.45±6.62 times, significant difference (p<0.01) and interaction (p<0.01) were found in pitching approaches and distance. Post hoc analysis indicated that higher accuracy in over shoulder pitching in 8,12,15,and 18 meter distance than low and pitching (p<0.05). A significant decrease accuracy with pitching distance (p<0.05) was found. Results showed that factors influence pitching accuracy including (1) most softball players use over shoulder pitching in longer distance pitching for accurate control of passing ball; (2) same passing accuracy in low hand toss and over shoulder during shorter distance pitching indicate a lower requirement in muscle strength and ball control during ball passing; (3) pithcing approaches and control methods is related to training level and types.


壘球 投擲方法 準確度 投擲距離


The purpose was to examine the effect of different pitching approaches on accuracy and distance of ball-passing, and the relationship between upper body strength and accuracy and pitching distance invar sit softball players. Subject were females (N=13) and two of them were lefthanders. Physical characteristics were age(18.73±1.91 yrs),height(159.10±5.41 cm),weight(57.38±8.74 kg),BMI(22.17±2.24 kg/M^2),percent body fat (22.31±4.87%), fat free weight(43.50±4.68 kg).Absolute grip and back strength were 31.03±3.61nd 89.99±12.85 kg, respectively. Relatie grip and back strength were 0.55±0.07 and 1.58±0.21 kg/kg body weight, respectively. Sit-and-reach for 30and 60 second were 21.55±2.61 and 37.45±6.62 times, significant difference (p<0.01) and interaction (p<0.01) were found in pitching approaches and distance. Post hoc analysis indicated that higher accuracy in over shoulder pitching in 8,12,15,and 18 meter distance than low and pitching (p<0.05). A significant decrease accuracy with pitching distance (p<0.05) was found. Results showed that factors influence pitching accuracy including (1) most softball players use over shoulder pitching in longer distance pitching for accurate control of passing ball; (2) same passing accuracy in low hand toss and over shoulder during shorter distance pitching indicate a lower requirement in muscle strength and ball control during ball passing; (3) pithcing approaches and control methods is related to training level and types.


