  • 期刊


The Comparison of Auditory Reaction Time and Event-Related Potential Between Sprinters and Nonathlete




The purpose of the study was to compare auditory reaction (RT) between sprinters and nonathletes. The parameters of RT included the central information processing speed (premotor time, PMT) and the peripheral executing speed (motor time, MOT). Also, the latencies of event related potential (ERP) including NIOO,N200 and P300,were compared. Twenty-four male college students, from 20 to 24 year old, with half of them being sprinters and the other half being nonathletes, participated in the study. The stimulus were the sound of 500Hz, 1000Hz, 1500Hz and 2000Hz frequencies that were produced by STIM system. Those sound appeared randomly. The target stimulus was 2000Hz and when it appeared the participated should depress the button. The EMG and EEG were employed to collect (or calcuate) RT, PMT, MOT, Nl00, N200 and P300.The data indicate that auditory reaction time (RT) for sprinters is faster than that of nonathletes and it is due to the faster center information process speed (PMT) for sprinters. The peripheral executing speed (MOT) is no different between the two groups. In addition, the latencies of Nl00, N200 and are not different between sprinters and nonathletes. But, the latency of P300 for sprinters is faster than that of nonathletes.


N100 N200 P300 reaction time event-related potential (ERP)


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