  • 期刊


A Study of the Satisfaction of Nurses with the Clinical Information System in Intensive Care Units


背 景:由於資訊科技之發展,醫療機構紛紛投入資訊系統的建置,以期能提升病人照護過程的安全性及正確性。加護病房若能經由使用一個資訊整合的系統,讓緊急的醫療決策及處置都具即時性或效益性,更可維護病人安全以提升照護品質。目 的:本研究在探討加護病房護理人員使用臨床資訊系統之滿意度。方 法:本研究共收案三個加護病房(一個外科、兩個內科)98位使用臨床資訊系統之護理人員,以結構式問卷探討使用滿意度,問卷內容共20題,含成效滿意度9題、功能滿意度7題、整體滿意度4題,及三題開放性問題於使用上的助益、困難及建議,藉以探究資訊系統使用者之相關使用經驗。結 果:兩個內科加護病房單位平均滿意度(分別為50.00與53.97)皆高於外科加護病房(45.35)。但隨著使用時間的增加,滿意度反而有下降的趨勢;另由開放式的意見顯示,使用者對於系統之自動計算功能如疾病嚴重度、急性生理與慢性健康評分、輸入/輸出紀錄等持正向之看法,但較在意系統的運作速度及易當機等問題。結論/實務應用:工作單位、使用時間、計算功能、系統反應時間及網路穩定性均與人員對資訊系統的滿意度相關。故若能改善資料處理及網路速度,再輔以符合使用需求的介面設計,必能增加人員的科技使用滿意度。


Background: Most healthcare institutions have installed healthcare information systems in order to improve the security and accuracy of healthcare services. Intensive care units (ICUs) largely use these systems to process urgent decisions and interventions. Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the satisfaction of use of ICU nurses with a clinical information system (CIS). Methods: This study recruited 98 nurses who use a CIS in 3 ICUs (2 Medical ICUs [MICUs] and 1 Surgical ICU [SICU]). Participants answered a usage‐satisfaction questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, including 9 on outcome satisfaction, 7 on functional satisfaction, 4 on overall satisfaction and 3 open‐ended questions on the benefits, difficulties, and suggestions of use. Results: The means for both MICUs (m_1=50.00, m_2=53.97) were higher than the mean for SICU (m_3=45.35). Additionally, the duration of use associated negatively with satisfaction. Moreover, user comments revealed that participants felt positively toward the system calculation functions (such as Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II [APACHE II] Scores, intake/output) but negatively about the system response time and system shutdown problems. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The present study found that working unit, duration of use, the calculation function, network response time, and system stability were all correlated with CIS satisfaction. Improving the data management process, network speeds, and interface design may effectively increase the willingness of nurses to accept and use clinical information systems.


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