  • 期刊


The Influences of Chinxin Relationship Perceptions on Subordinate Behaviors: Justice Perceptions as a Mediator




Adopting a perspective of difference matrices theory, the aim of this paper was to examine the association among chinxin relationship perceptions, justice perceptions, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational political behavior. This study used data collected from a field survey of 236 doctor-nurse matched dyads from Chinese medical clinics of southern areas in Taiwan to test a framework of influences of chinxin relationship perceptions. Results indicated chinxin relationship perceptions positively related to employees' justice perceptions and organizational citizenship behavior, but negatively related to their political behavior. Furthermore, justice perceptions partially mediated the relationship between chinxin relationship perceptions and organizational citizenship behavior, and fully mediated the relationship between chinxin relationship perception and political behavior. Finally, the implications, limitations and suggestions for future research were discussed.


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