  • 期刊


Taiwan's Strategic Action under Its Adjustment of Military Strategyin Face of the Threat of the Chinese Communist's Seeking Unification by Armed Forces




1.According to Jin Canrong, an analyst of the Chinese Communist's military strategy, Xi Jinping insists on the 1992 Consensus whereas Taiwan refuses to recognize it and the inner forces restricting Taiwan independence has been marginalized. Peaceful unification is thus hopeless and the overall situation across the Taiwan Strait is heading towards conflict. 2.The Chinese Communist would take a variety of lethal, punitive, or divisive military actions, in combination of the open or undercover economic and political activities, including cyber-warfare aiming at political, economic, military facilities, to strike the confidence of Taiwanese people to their leadership. 3.Employing the achievement of its special agents' warfare, the Chinese Communist might choose a favorable opportune moment to suddenly launch ballistic missiles to attack Taiwan's military and economic facilities as well as centers for commanding, management, communication, intelligence, and transportation. To enhance its combat power and then occupy the entire island, it would suddenly attack Taiwan's strategic areas, airports, and seaports by the airborne troops and the hovercrafts carrying the marine brigades would be followed. 4.Theoretically, the Chinese Communist not only has capability and necessity but has incentive to take military action against Taiwan. The potential cross-strait crisis is absolutely not an alarmist talk and should not regard it as unimportant. Under the circumstance, Taiwan must do its best to prevent this crisis in theory from turning into possible action on the one hand, and, on the other, to make the Chinese Communist realize that the unification by forces is unwise.
