  • 期刊


Validation of the Multiple Intelligence Theory Oryand It's Application


本研究旨在建立一個「多重智力理論模式」,然後根據此一智力理論模式的特色編製出一套多重智力測驗,再利用這一套測驗去驗証多重智力理論特色的正確性及始用性。因此本研究共有二個研究目的:(一)建立多重智力理論模式並據以編製多重智力測驗。(二)探討從認知歷程研究智力本質的可行性。 本研究所建立的多重智力理論是以Stemberg三元智力理論為基礎,並且綜合心理計量學及認知取向的智力理論所形成的一套統整性智力理論。本理論強調智力是由內在、中介、及外在等三層面智力所組合而成的,每個層面智力還含攝著若干成分的的智力。因此智力本質具有多重的階層關係。研究一係根據發理論來編製智力測驗。所編製的多重智力測驗共有廿二種測量工具,分別用來測量內在(成分智力)、中介(經驗智力)、及外在(環境智力)等三層面智力。本研究利用Pearson積差相關及因素分析等統計方式驗証的結果顯示:多重智力測驗具有高的內部一致性係數及建構效度。 為研究多重智理論特色的真實性,本研究利用所編製的多重智力測驗為測量工具,驗証與本研究的智力理論有關的研究目的。研究二裡探討「從認知歷程研究智力的可行性」。採用135名大學生接受「圖形類比」等五種推理測驗及四種自動化能力測驗。以各項分測驗分數及其反應時間求相關結果顯示:推理能力與反應時間及自動化能力與反應時間之間皆具有負相關存在。比較58名高低領悟力者的創造行為的結果也顯示兩者之間有差異存在。由此可見,從認知歷程探討智力時,可以用「反應時間」及「認知成分」為依變項來進行研院。 綜合研究一到研究二的結果顯示:本論文所提出的多重智力理論具有理想的建構效度。




The purposes of this study were (1) to buiid a model for multiple intelligence and to construct a multiple intelligence tests (MIT). (2) to explore the feasibility of understanding the nature of intelligence throgh analyzing one’s cognitive processes. The theory of multiple intelligence comprised three subtheories: the Internal Intelligence subtheory, which describes the part of intelligence that relates intelligence to the internal; the Medial Intelligence subtheory, which describes the part of intelligence that mediated the internal and the external world of individual; and the External Intelligence subtheory, which relates intelligence to the external world of individual. Based on the theory of multiple intelligence, the MIT were constructed to measure three aspects of intelligence: internal, medial, and external intelligence. The MIT consisted of 22 subtests. A factor analysis and the analysis of convergent and discriminant validities showed that: both the internal consistency and the construct validity of MIT are satisfactory. In order to explore the relationships between cognitive proccesses and intelligence, 135 undergraduate students were served as subjects. Five Inference tests (e.g. Figural Analogy test) and four Automatization tests were measured. Subjects Recevied two sets of scores for the tests: tests scores and reaction time. The Results indicated that both the inference scores and automatization scores are negatively correlated with reaction time. It implied that th higher the intelligence is, the faster the cognitive speed is. Study 2 also compared the differences of creative behaviors between the high-insighter. and the lowinsighter. Results showed that there were different cognitive components between the two groups. All the results of Study 2 revealed that both ″reaction time″ and The purposes of this study were (1) to buiid a model for multiple intelligence and to construct a multiple intelligence tests (MIT). (2) to explore the feasibility of understanding the nature of intelligence throgh analyzing one’s cognitive processes. The theory of multiple intelligence comprised three subtheories: the Internal Intelligence subtheory, which describes the part of intelligence that relates intelligence to the internal; the Medial Intelligence subtheory, which describes the part of intelligence that mediated the internal and the external world of individual; and the External Intelligence subtheory, which relates intelligence to the external world of individual. Based on the theory of multiple intelligence, the MIT were constructed to measure three aspects of intelligence: internal, medial, and external intelligence. The MIT consisted of 22 subtests. A factor analysis and the analysis of convergent and discriminant validities showed that: both the internal consistency and the construct validity of MIT are satisfactory. In order to explore the relationships between cognitive proccesses and intelligence, 135 undergraduate students were served as subjects. Five Inference tests (e.g. Figural Analogy test) and four Automatization tests were measured. Subjects Recevied two sets of scores for the tests: tests scores and reaction time. The Results indicated that both the inference scores and automatization scores are negatively correlated with reaction time. It implied that th higher the intelligence is, the faster the cognitive speed is. Study 2 also compared the differences of creative behaviors between the high-insighter. and the lowinsighter. Results showed that there were different cognitive components between the two groups. All the results of Study 2 revealed that both ″reaction time″ and ″cognitive components″ were good indicators for the study of intelligence from cognitive process. In summary, all the findings from study of psychometric analysis and from studies of cognitive analysis revealed that the multiple inteilligence theory were reasonable for elucidating intelligence entity, and the construct validities of the multiple intelligence tests were satisfatory. cognitive components″ were good indicators for the study of intelligence from cognitive process. In summary, all the findings from study of psychometric analysis and from studies of cognitive analysis revealed that the multiple inteilligence theory were reasonable for elucidating intelligence entity, and the construct validities of the multiple intelligence tests were satisfatory.




