  • 期刊


The Study of Career Decision-Making Styles of College Students' Decision Behavior: Effects of the Number of Attributes and Display Formats


近幾年來,由於受到認知心理學興起的影響,研究決策行為多以探討決策之認知歷程為主。本論文以訊息處理論的觀點,採用歷程追蹤取向之訊息板方法,加以分析決策者在選擇情境中的決策行為。因此,本論文的主要目的有三:(1)探討不同決策型態大學生在決策過程中訊息的使用情形;(2)分析不同決策型態大學生在決策歷程中訊息搜索方式與訊息搜索的變異情形;(3)分析三種不同決策類型大學生之決策法則運用情形,以及影響決策法則運用因素間之交互關係。 本研究採用3×2×3之受試者間實驗設計,從300名大學生受試樣本中,以「職業決策類型問卷」篩選理性型、直覺型、依賴型的受試各60位,參加「電腦職業選擇活動」的實驗,實驗同時操弄屬性的數量與訊息呈現方式。經過實驗結果的分析,本研究獲致以下幾項結果:(1)受試者的決策行為,包括訊息使用量、訊息搜索方式、訊息搜索的變異性與決策法則的使用不受決策型態、訊息呈現方式與屬性數量三因素交互作用的影響;(2)受試者使用訊息的數量會因決策型態不同而有所差別,且依賴型的受試者使用了較多的訊息量;也會因屬性數量的增多,使訊息的負荷量增加,而導致較少訊息量的使用;當訊息的呈現方式為標準矩陣格式時,決策者搜索了較多的訊息。至於訊息重覆使用量的情形,仍是依賴型的決策者其重覆使用訊息的數量比其他兩型態的決策者為多;然在屬性數量較少的情況下,決策者重覆使用訊息的數量較多;(3)理性型及依賴型的決策者多使用屬性間的搜索方式;當屬性數量增加時,受試者的訊息搜索方式仍以屬性間的搜索為主;而且訊息呈現方式的不同亦產生不同的搜索方式。就搜索的變異性而言,當屬性數量增加時,搜索的變異性也隨之增加。(4)受試者決策法則的使用,主要分别與決策型態及屬性數量的變化有關,而在本研究中的受試多使用補償性的決策法則,即加法和加差法則。 本研究的結果,雖未將影響決策行為因素間之交互作用效果提出支持,然單一因素的影響效果已獲得支持。至於其他有關因素是否會影響決策者的決策行為,則有待進一步的驗證。


Recently, most researchers have been toward a concern for the cognitive processes underlying decision making because of the development of cognitive psychology. According to information processing theory, process tracing approaches such as information board method was adopted to explore decision-makers' decision behavior under choice situation. Therefore, the purposes of the study are: (1) to explore the amount of information-used by decision makers in choice process; (2) to analyze decision makers' searching patterns and the variability of search in choice process; (3) to analyze decision makers how to use decision rules as well as the relation between rules-used and the factors that influence rules-used. The hypothesis was tested in a 3(subscript *)3(subscript *)2 factorial design laboratory study. Subjects were 180 teacher college's students. ”Assessment of Career Decision-making Questionnaire” was used to select three types of decision makers from 300 college students. The number of attributes and information display formats were demonstrated in the experiment. The results were as follow: (1)The three factors-decision style, the number of attributes and display formats had no interaction effects on decision behavior. (2) Dependent decision makers used much more information and searched information repeatedly than intuitive ones. As the number of attributes per alternative increased, subjects searched less amount of information. Under the condition of standard matrix format, decision makers used much more information and used information repeatedly. (3) Rational and dependent decision makers used interdimensional searching pattern in decision process. As the number of attributes increased, most decision makers searched information interdimensionally and the variability of search increased. And different display formats resulted in different searching patterns. (4) The result revealed that compensatory strategies-AL and AD rules were the dominant mode used by decision makers. The rule-used was related to decision styles and the number of attributes. The study indicated that decision behavior was affected by decision styles, the number of attributes and display formats, even though the contingent processing hypothesis was not supported.


