  • 期刊


The Development of Image-Based VR Systems and Its Applications in the Travel Industry


本研究致力於探討虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)技術之發展及其在旅遊導覽系統上之可能應用。民法債篇旅遊章節已於2000年五月五日實施,為了減少旅遊糾紛的發生,使得旅遊產品資訊能夠透明化;如能將虛擬實境的技術運用在虛擬旅遊(Virtual Tour)中,不僅可以作為消費者行前資訊的參考,在未來加入WTO及政府對大陸聞放大三通後,亦勢必能將休閒旅遊帶入另一個新的世界。 本研究首先探討虛擬實境的歷史背景、意義與種類,其次說明虛擬實境在一般研究領域與觀光產業上的應用,如何將虛擬實境的技術運用於旅遊導覽,發展虛擬旅遊導覽系統,作為消費者行前資訊(Pre-trip)的參考;本研究並探討影像式虛擬實境(Image-based VR)、物件式虛擬實境(Geometry-based VR)與混合式虛擬實境(Hybrid VR)之優缺點,最後討論虛擬實境是否可以取代真正的旅行,未來是否可以與電子休閒媒體互相結合等課題,圖將休閒旅遊帶入另一個新的境界。


Virtual Reality (VR) has become one of the most popular commercial and research topics. Recently, the Image-based VR became more cost effectively with less time consuming for constructing the VR environment. Without having very expensive equipment, in the travel industry, hotels, theme parks, museums and some historical sites have brought this VR technology through the Internet to establish B to B type or B to C type E-commerce. Compared with the Geometry-based VR, the Image-based VR has the advantages, including the low cost and the quality. The Image-based VR is quite real because the virtual world is built from the real and the reappeared natural objects in the image-based VR are better than the ones in the Geometry-based VR. In additions, the rendering speed of the Image-based VR and the scene are independent. No matter how the complexity of the scenery, it would not have any effect for virtual world. An Image-based VR system is proposed in the thesis. In this study, the history, definitions and classifications of Virtual Reality will be illustrated. Secondly, the applications of VR used in the both general research area and travel industry will be explained. Thirdly, a comparison will be made among Image-based VR, Geometry-based VR and Hybrid VR. The panoramic images are generated by arranging some photographs taken at School of Tourism, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan around a rotational axis. This study then will analyze the current applications used in the travel industry in terms of the software usage, platform, advantages and disadvantages of the VR software for creating Virtual Reality in the travel industry. Finally, an interesting question will be discussed: in a more futuristic sense, can VR as a substitute for travel?


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