  • 期刊


A Study of Mandarin Tour Guide Service Chinese Low-price Tour Groups




Mandarin tour guides give a full statement to Tourism Bureau and wish Taiwanese government to take care about their basic income and rights. By qualitative research methods, including focus groups and in-depth interviews, this research investigates the questions about mandarin tour guides and proposes effective ways to improve those. This research also aims at the discussion of how mandarin tour guides to get jobs, the current situation of providing Chinese people low-price tour groups, and their working experience. The research data gathered from 19 interviewees indicates that professional mandarin tour guides become salesmen and also bear sales pressure because the travel agencies take the low-price business model. Now, most of mandarin tour guides' salaries are uncertain commissions. Therefore, some questions exist. These including: the turnover rate of mandarin tour guides is high; mandarin tour guides with rich working experience are insufficient; and it is difficult for new mandarin tour guides to find related jobs. Furthermore, this research suggests that government should help mandarin tour guides to find jobs and ensure their basic income and rights. This research also suggests that mandarin tour guides must have personal characteristics, high service quality, and professional ethics when working.


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