  • 期刊


Slow Food Power: Applying Means-End-Chain Theory to Explore the Tourists' Value of Slow Food Festival




慢食 價值 方法目的鏈 飲食節慶


Slow food festival is an important way to promote the concept of the Slow Food, a marketing method for slow food tourism, and contribute to the development of sustainable tourism. There have been previous studies related to slow food and slow food festivals, but the process of value construction for slow food festival visitors still needs to be investigated. This study examines the "attribute - consequence - value" hierarchical linkages of data from in-depth interviews with 70 visitors who participated in the Taitung Slow Food Festival. The results found that environmentally friendly tableware, specialty cuisine and ambient atmosphere were important attributes; environment friendly, local uniqueness, and leisurely relaxation were important consequences; environmental reflection, identity/support, and joy/warmth were important value pursuits. There are 7 main value hierarchy links. Both first-time and revisiting visitors can recognize the characteristics and value implications of slow food, but revisiting visitors have more diverse experiences and values. The "attribute-consequence-value" link of this study is helpful for academic study and practical reference for Slow Food festivals.


slow food value means-end chain food festival


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