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The Application of Kirkpatrick Model to evaluating Employees Training.


在現今變化快速的社會,企業必須透過訓練,使員工能快速學習新知識與技能,並提升員工能力,方能因應日益嚴苛多變的環境,研究採用Kirkpatrick 的四層次評估準則,從反應、學習、行為來對教育訓練結果進行評估,以宜蘭地區實施教育訓練企業員工為樣本,研究結果顯示1.員工在最常在公司進行教育訓練;教育訓練的時段以上班時間居多;公司實施教育訓練次數以1~3 次居多,實施教育訓練的訓練內容,以職務相關課程居多;實施教育訓練的接受方式,以公司職員群體活動居多。2.年齡、教育訓練滿意度、工作學習對行為改變具有正向影響。


In the fast-changing society, the employee has to be trained with updating knowledge and skills to upraise the capability in order to fit in the rough and changing environment. This research applied the “Four level of learning evaluation “by Kirkpatrck to evaluate the results of educational training focusing on the employees in Yilan area. The results showed that 1. The employees are usually trained with education within the firm; the educational training period are during the working hours mostly; the firm implemented the educational training at 1~3 at secondly. The educational training contents are focusing on the courses related to the job; and the way of implementing educational training are mainly focusing on the group activities within the employees. 2. The results proved "Ages, the satisfaction of education training, learning from the job positively affect the employee behaviors.


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