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The Study And Implementation of the Integraion of Distance Measurement And Push Notification Technology


物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)在最新的工業革命 – 工業4.0 中佔有極重要的地位。各種設備,小至智慧手表,大至工廠的大型生產機具,都能透過IoT 互相連結、交換訊息並做出回應。感測器在IoT 中是一不可或缺的裝置,因為它能蒐集環境中的相關資訊,如溫度、溼度等,提供控制溫度或是濕度的設備做出適當的反應。在設計這些能透過感測器蒐集環境資訊並做出適當回應的平台中,Arduino 是相當熱門的開源平台。它能連結各式的感測器並且由設計者自行建立這些蒐集到的資訊的處理模式,並觸發相關的回應。在本計畫中會針對Arduino 以及相關的感測器做一深入的研究,並且以超音波感測器與Arduino 實作一停車位偵測輔助系統。在此系統中,我們會透過超音波感測器的測距功能偵測停車位中是否有停放車輛,並將此訊息發送至駕駛的行動裝置中,以節省駕駛在停車場中繞行尋找車位的時間。此外,為解決駕駛的行動裝置平台不一而需下載不同App 的問題,在本計畫中捨棄了原生App的開發,而是使用行動網頁,並且以HTML5 的服務端推送事件(SSE)技術,主動將訊息推播給使用者,避免頻寬以及CPU 運算的負擔。


Internet of Things(IoT) plays an important role in the latest industrial revolution - the Industry 4.0. From the small personal device, such as smart watches, to the large production machines in the factories, can all be connected and exchange information through IoT. Sensors are indispensable in the development of IoT. These sensors can collect and send environmental information, such as humidity and temperature, to the facilities that use this information to respond. Arduino is one of the development platforms that fully facilitate the functionalities of the sensors. Arduino’s low cost and open source nature attract a lot of developers to design creative applications on this platform. In this research, we will conduct a thorough study on the applications of Arduino platform and sensors. We implement a parking space detection system that uses the distance measuring ability of the ultrosonic sensor to detect the availability of a parking space and send this information to the drivers’ mobile devices. Drivers can reduce the time in searching free parking space. To avoid developing different native apps on various platforms, such as Android, iOS, etc., we build a mobil web site to display the information. We also employ the Sever Send Event(SSE) technology introduced in HTML5, to push the information from server to user’s browser to reduce bandwidth and CPU computation.


Internet of Things Sensors Arduino Sever Sent Events


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