  • 期刊


Intracanalicular Meningioma of Internal Auditory Canal - Case Report


腦膜瘤源自於負責吸收腦脊髓液的蜘蛛膜絨毛(arachnoid villi)。後者主要分佈於各靜脈竇,但在顱底各神經孔及內聽道內亦有少量分佈。內聽道之腦膜瘤多由後顱窩發源,而脫垂進入內聽道。本文則報告1例源自於內聽道之腦膜瘤,就其放射線診斷及治療方式提出探討。


A 26-year-old woman came to us with the chief problems of right hearing loss for 15 years and right facial palsy for 13 years. Air-CT and MRI disclosed a heterogenous lesion in the right internal auditory canal. Irregular calcification in the lesion was also noted. Translabyrinthine approach to the right internal auditory canal was performed, and ”pebbles of sand” were found in the internal auditiory canal. Pathology confirmed the diagnosis of psamommatous meningioma. Meningioma originates from the cells in the arachnoid villi, which are responsible for CSF resorption. Meningioma involoving the internal auditory canal mostly comes from the posterior petrosal surface and rarely from the canal itself. The meningioma of this patient arose obviously from the internal auditory canal. The behavior of intracanalicular meningioma, its diagnosis and management were discussed in this
