  • 期刊


Cytomegalovirus Infection on a Anterolateral Thigh After Reconstructive Surgery for Cancer of the Tongue Base


巨細胞病毒(cytomegalovirus, CMV)感染往往是免疫力不全的病患初期的表徵,會以疼痛的口腔黏膜潰瘍表現,尤其是在後天免疫不全症候群的患者身上,特別常見。至於在頭頸癌病患上,並不多見。 本院在2006年5月經歷一名60歲男性之舌根癌症(T4)患者經切除後以大腿前外側皮瓣重建及術後放射並合併化學治療,3年前曾因食道癌接受過放射合併化學治療。2007年5月病人主訴口腔內皮瓣上發現2.5 cm之大型潰瘍,約一個月之久。經檢視發現潰瘍發生在口腔內的皮瓣上,疑似舌根癌復發。切片檢查,並顯示無惡性腫瘤,經免疫學染色呈現巨細胞病毒陽性反應。僅給予局部類固醇藥膏使用,兩週後完全痊癒,血液CMV IgM陰性反應,期間並無使用抗病毒藥物。目前文獻上無腿部皮瓣重建口腔缺損後,在皮瓣上發生有巨細胞病毒感染病之病例報告。


Cytomegalovicrus (CMV) infection presenting as a painful oral mucosal ulcer is one of the initial clinical manifestations of an immunocompromised state, especially in the acquired immune deficiency syndromes (AIDS) patients. The diagnosis of oral CMV infection is usually based on large intranuclear and small cytoplasmic inclusions in the cells at the base of the mucosal ulcer. Manifestation of CMV infection as an unhealed ulcer of an anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap after reconstructive surgery has not been described previously. Therefore, we reported here a case of cancer of the tongue base that underwent composite resection, ALT flap reconstruction and postoperative chemoradio-therapy and where ulcerous CMV infection was identified on the ALT flap.
