  • 期刊


Factors influencing the utilization of the National Ten-Year Long-Term Care Plan 2.0 in Taiwan


目標:探討影響台灣家庭使用長照十年計劃2.0(簡稱長照2.0)服務項目的相關因素。方法:收案對象為符合長照2.0申請資格民眾的家庭照顧者,利用半結構式問卷進行面訪或電訪,共完成212位照顧者的調查。結果:長照2.0服務項目使用狀況與前傾因素構面中的教育程度(p = 0.011),使能因素構面中的社會福利身份別(p = 0.008)及曾接觸長照2.0資訊(p < 0.001),需要因素構面中的罹患失智症(p = 0.018)及領有身心障礙手冊(p = 0.008),以及照顧者因素構面中的性別(p = 0.002)、年齡(p = 0.031)、及工作情形(p = 0.035)等因素,有顯著的關連性。另一方面,整體而言,前傾因素構面、使能因素構面、需要因素構面、及照顧者因素構面,均對長照2.0服務項目使用狀況有顯著性的影響力(F = 1.737, p = 0.007; adj-R^2 = 0.149)。結論:調查結果顯示,前傾因素構面、使能因素構面、需要因素構面、及照顧者因素構面,均會影響民眾使用長照2.0服務項目。建議衛生福利部應持續擴大長照2.0服務政策之宣傳,正視將可能成為中低收入戶家庭之長照需求,以及鼓勵男性照顧者使用長照服務支持資源。


Objectives: To explore the factors associated with the use of the National Ten-Year Long- Term Care Plan 2.0 (NTLCP 2.0) in Taiwan. Methods: Research data were collected using a semistructured questionnaire. Study samples were caregivers of people qualified to receive care under the NTLCP 2.0. Completed questionnaires (n = 212) were obtained using face-to-face or telephone interviews. Results: The results indicated that education (p = 0.011; in the predisposing dimension); social welfare status (p = 0.008); awareness of the NTLCP 2.0 (p < 0.001; both were in the enabling dimension); dementia diagnosis (p = 0.018); being a disability identification cardholder (p = 0.008; both were in the needs dimension) of those people being cared for, as well as gender (p = 0.002), age (p = 0.031), and working conditions (p = 0.035) of caregivers had significant effects on NTLCP 2.0 utilization. Moreover, the results of the multiple regression analysis demonstrated that all four dimensions were significantly associated with NTLCP 2.0 utilization (F = 1.737, p = 0.007; adj R^2 = 0.149). Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrated that all four dimensions were significantly associated with NTLCP 2.0 utilization. It is suggested that the Ministry of Health and Welfare continuously promote the NTLCP 2.0 and even expand it to cover those people who currently do not qualify. Furthermore, efforts should be devoted to increase the willingness of male caregivers to use the NTLCP 2.0.


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