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Ethnic Innovation Networks: A Strategic Linkage Explanation for Intellectual Advantage in International Business



在以知識為競爭基礎的年代中,知識存量是廠商競爭優勢的根源。檢視全球經濟結構的發展與變遷,人才外流導致一個區域經濟發展的嚴重問題,由於缺乏人才,開發中國家的廠商往往難以趕上全球化的發展步調,因此,人才外流現象對開發中國家的傷害特別嚴重,吸引人才回流則成為各個受到人才外流影響的經濟克服前述困難的重要政策工具。近年來在管理研究中盛行的網路理論認為透過網絡連結可將具競爭力的外部資源加以內部化,因此,廠商透過合作研發、技術交換、技術授權等機制進行創新亦蔚為風尚。實證研究發現這些準組織型態之研發機制均需要高度人力資源的互動,除了正式的連結外,由美國、台灣、中國大陸三地同文同種的華裔科學家與工程師所建構綿密的人際網絡對台灣與中國大陸過去二十多年的科技與經濟發展都產生了深遠的影響。本研究探討種族創新網絡有兩項重點:第一,跨國的創新者網絡的形成原因;第二,跨國創新者網絡所內化的資源屬性。本研究引用「策略連結理論」(Chen & Chen, 1998)檢視美國、台灣與中國大陸間活絡的創新與創業現象,由早期的人才外流、人才回流,發展至目前的人才交流(Brain Circulation, Saxenian, 2002),本研究提出八項假說,「種族創新網絡」提供亟欲追趕工業化國家廠商重新檢討內化智慧優勢的架構。


In the current era of knowledge-intensive competition, intellectual stocks differentiate winners from losers. In view of an emergent global economic structure, brain drain has been seen as causing serious problems for countries suffering net losses of human capital. The impact of this phenomenon has been felt most acutely by less developed countries. Firms located in these national economies have thus found it difficult to keep pace with the increasing globalization. Therefore, public policy resulting in reverse brain drain finds its preeminence in these developing economies. Networking has been seen to be critical to the success of business organizations, which need to profit through internalizations of external resources. In this regard, collaborative arrangements are particularly important for encouraging innovation through formal structures such as joint R&D agreements, technology exchange programs, licensing, subcontracting as well as through informal means of networking. All such activities involve intensive interaction of human resources. Human resources indeed are the most important resources of knowledge-intensive competition. Beside formal linkage, informal networking of the same ethnicity of Chinese enables construction of network of innovators and contributes technological and economic prosperity in Taiwan since late 1980's and in China since late 1990’s. There are two foci of present study: first, the antecedents of formulating cross-border innovator networks, and second, the potential contribution of these cross-border innovation networks to internalize intellectual advantage in international business. The paper applies a strategic linkage perspective (Chen and Chen, 1998) to examine the effect of human resource linkages and the development of an industrial cluster in Taiwan and China. A Chinese ethnic innovation network (EIN) is suggested to explain linkage effects of prosperous cross-border innovation activities. An analytical framework and relevant research propositions are developed followed by literature review in the fields of innovation and international business. The framework provides implications to both public policy and strategic management of innovation and technology.


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