  • 期刊


Examining Religious Music Creation through the Lense of Intertextuality using an I-Kuan Tao Fa-Yi Chong-De Song, "Chong-De Anthem," as an example




Applications of intertextuality are increasing. Reason: most literatures are all based on or developed through intertextuality. Intertexts not only include standard literature and keywords, but also arts and multimedia. New applications of intertextuality have brought on many new innovations, at the same time enriching many research areas in religion. This paper examines the song lyrics of an I-Kuan Tao Fa-Yi Chong-De song, "Chong-De Anthem," and its role in the creation process of original religious music. Analysis of the application of intertextuality will include reasonings for addition and deletion of intertexts, which resulted in original lyric material of "Chong-De Anthem." These lyrics showcase the leadership model of Fa-Yi Chong-De and the ideal beliefs of Tao members' faith and practice, which subsequently impact the expansion of Chong-De Tao affairs.
