  • 期刊


A Study on the Recreational Behaviors of Mainland China's Exchange Students in Taiwan From the Unusual Environment Perspective


交換生是當今全球化背景下高等教育發展的一個重要特徵,而遊憩活動是交換過程中必不可少的項目之一,對於此類行為的研究有助於梳理交換生教育過程中交換行為引發的種種後效,更有利於交換活動的開展。本研究以中國大陸華中師範大學2018秋季部分來臺灣交換生為研究對象,以深度訪談等質性研究的手段,研究大陸交換生在臺灣的遊憩行為,同時引入非慣常環境(unusual environment)的理論框架,透過紮根理論探究大陸交換生在臺灣的遊憩行為結構。經過初始編碼和聚焦編碼分析,本研究歸納出5個類屬,分別為:行為表現、感知表現、干預因素、心理歸因、遊憩後效;每個類屬之下又存在4到6個維度,共25個維度。本研究透過理論編碼構建了大陸交換生在臺遊憩行為之理論模型,在模型的基礎上探究了大陸交換生來臺灣遊憩的主要特徵。亦即交換學習出於放鬆和非慣常環境的外部因素產生了遊憩需要,這種遊憩需要作為心理歸因促使交換生遊憩行為的產生,基於交換生作為遊憩者和臺灣這個非慣常環境,交換生產生了諸如打卡行為、旅遊頻率增加、尋找同伴等一系列行為表現,同時伴隨著節奏舒緩、心理落差等積極與消極的感知表現。最後,透過理論飽和度檢驗,提出針對大陸交換生遊憩活動的相關建議。


Exchange students are an important feature of the development of higher education under the background of globalization. Recreational activities are one of the essential items in the exchange process. The study of such behaviors is helpful to sort out the after-effects caused by exchange behaviors in the process of exchange education, and thus implies more conducive proposals to the development of exchange activities. This study chose some of the Mainland China exchange students in Central China Normal University of 2018 fall semester as research subjects. A qualitative approach, in terms of in-depth interview, was employed to investigate exchange students' recreational behaviors in Taiwan. Meanwhile, the theory of unusual environment was used as the theoretical framework so as to explore the exchange students' recreational behavior structure in Taiwan through the analyses of grounded theory. Through initial coding and focusing coding, the study concluded with five categories, in terms of behavioral performance, perceived performance, interventional factors, psychological attribution, and recreational feedback. There were four to six dimensions under each category, with a total of 25 dimensions. This study constructed a theoretical model of Chinese exchange students' recreational behavior in Taiwan through theoretical coding, and explored the main characteristics of Chinese exchange students' recreational behavior in Taiwan based on this model. In exchange learning process, recreational needs came out from a desire of relaxation and external factors of unusual environment, and such needs played as a psychological attribution of the exchange students and thus prompted the recreational behavior. Based on the fact that exchange students as the recreation participants and Taiwan as an unusual environment interwoven together, exchange students produced a series of behaviors, such as checking-in behaviors, increasing travel frequency, looking for travel companions, and such behaviors were accompanied by both positive and negative perceptions, such as soothing pace and psychological gap. Finally, through the examination of theoretical saturation, some suggestions were provided for the recreational activities of Mainland China exchange students.


