  • 學位論文


The constitutional limit of the deregulation in labor relations - An Attempt of the German State Theory

指導教授 : 翁岳生


自八十年代以來,「去管制化」(Deregulierung, deregulation)便是主宰先進資本主義國家經濟及社會政策的最重要發展趨勢,或至少是一項無以避免的挑戰,特別是在所謂的雷根主義或柴契爾主義式的新自由主義思維成為許多歐美國家的核心政策基礎之後。隨著經濟國際化的邁向全球化時代,在國民國家淪為「國族的競爭國」、「國際競爭力」成為國家所謂正當性的權源及重要目標之餘,「去管制化」更加全面的滲入國家不同的政策及任務領域,不論去管制化要求的形式是個別領域中全面的國家退卻、法律規範的廢除,亦或實質層面的、強調國家角色改變的質之法律規範的再演變,這一項建立在「國家透過法律形式所形成的管制過多→扼殺社會力的自主形成→造成不當的管制結果→影響經濟的發展及競爭力→造成不利的社會發展」的去管制化邏輯,幾乎都是所有法政策領域必須面臨的衝擊。涉及的法律領域,不論是法政策、法規範體系、法釋義學體系,無論任一層面,亦都必然須面對「去管制化」的現象與問題。在德國的法學界,亦已注意到此問題,而有呼籲應正視「去管制化」之法學理論問題的呼聲。本文便是從不同的政治經濟學及社會學的角度出發,探討勞動關係去管制的問題內涵,同時擴及此在勞動法學上之呈現,最後並嘗試從憲法規範性的角度,以「國家性的未來」、「國家在全球化時代下的任務」為貫穿主軸,提出立法行為應有之規範性方向,或從另一面向來描述:立法對於勞動關係之去管制形成的憲法界限。


Since 1980 the deregulation is the most important developmental tendency which rules the fields of economical and social politics at progressive capitalistic states. When the economical internationalisation comes to another level of so-called globalization, the national state becomes to be another formation such as national competition state, and the international competition is becoming as the resource of national legitimation and the most important political target, the deregulation will more intervolve the different areas of national politics and tasks, no matter what is the concrete form of this deregulation such as the total entnationalisation, demolition of legal norms, its reduction or flexibilization. The direct or indirect involved juristical areas, such as legal politics, system of legal norms and last but not the least system of legal dogmastics, must face the phenomen and problems of deregulation. This essay is started from the analystic perspectiv of political economics and sociology to discuss about the legal problems of the deregulation with regard to the labor relations, and try to construct a discursive sonstruction of the so-called constitutional normativity, to indicate the direction how the legislative power should think and obey.


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