  • 學位論文


A Study on Protection of the Plant Breeder’s Right in Taiwan Through the Application of the Moth Orchid : the Netherlands and the EU as Examples

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


我國植物品種及種苗法自民國93年修法後與UPOV 1991公約一致,實施多年以來成效如何?本篇論文即欲藉蝴蝶蘭的品種權申請概況以及使用情形來對於台灣植物品種權發展現況作一個了解,並從產業的面相,提供植物品種權保護的重要性。 除了對我國品種權進行了解之外,首先要了解建立植物新品種此一單一系統保護的植物新品種國際聯盟,還有國際上之相關推動組織。再介紹歐盟、荷蘭的植物品種權發展歷史、程序、案例等概況。歐盟是適用植物品種權最廣泛的地區,包含其所有會員國;而荷蘭是世界最大的花卉出口國,其對植物品種的保護,亦值得留意,從而以此二地區進行探討與分析。 在台灣的部分,分析台灣植物品種權這幾年來的申請量的狀況,並藉由訪問業者,了解他們對於品種權的看法,以及這個制度的優缺點。在缺點的部分,本篇論文將會試著尋找改善或是解決的方針。如授權契約如何訂定、侵權行為如何因應等。 最後,希望本篇論文所討論整理的內容,能讓植物品種權更讓國人了解,並且可以積極運用,發揮品種權制度的效果。


The aims of this study are to research the development of the moth orchids to examine the implementation of the Plant Variety Right in the Plant Seed Act whether it applys well in Taiwan and to observe the excellences of the places which are the orgin of the Plant Variety Right system, the Netherlands and the European Union. The methods to achieve these aims are as follow steps: the first step of this study is to have a thorough conception of the Plant Variety Right in the UPOV Convention and other international organizations. After knowing about the Plant Variety Right is the introduction of the Plant Variety Right system in the EU and in the Netherlands. Second, collect the reference about the development of the Plant Variety Right in Taiwan, and visit the breeders of the moth orchid to discover the actual problems of the Plant Variety Right system in Taiwan. Finally, after arranging all the problems, summit possible settlements and what examples we should follow the EU and the Netherlands. The results of this study are frustrating due to the weak application of the Plant Variety Right system in Taiwan. Breeders did not actively authorize others to utilize the right, and when facing the infringement, they seldom claimed for compensation. These would hinder our system from being sound. Therefore, the conclusion of this study is that we should do is to arouse the breeders how significant the Plant Variety Right is and notice the international development of the Plant Variety Right.


