  • 學位論文


The Effect of Roadside Inspections on Construction Waste Flow Management - Case Study of the New Taipei City

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


自行政院環境保護署於民國89年10月成立事業廢棄物管制中心以來,廢棄物管理已邁向網路化與科技化,相關管理措施計有清理計畫書之提報、廢棄物之網路申報、清運車輛即時追蹤系統之裝置、無線射頻辯識技術(RFID)及視頻監控系統(CCTV)等,然而非法棄物案件並未隨著管理技術的進步而有減少之趨勢,至102年4月為止,環保署列管全國非法棄置總場址數計244處場,總面積達175.26公頃。另統計新北市90年至101年間,大型廢棄物非法棄置場址計13場,其中10場為營建廢棄物非法棄置,佔整體之76.9%,非法棄置面積計超過55公傾。期間內隨意棄置營建廢棄物的小型個案亦不時發生,充分說明現行管理方式無法杜絕營建廢棄物的非法棄置案件。 在非法棄置案件頻傳下,新北市政府為遏止營建廢棄物非法棄置案件之發生,於102年3月起整合府內環保局、警察局及工務局等,成立「黑蝙蝠專案」查核小組。利用警察執行酒測、車輛超速或其他勤務之便,一併進行廢棄物產源及流向查核,經篩選疑似違法者,通知環保局派員處理,確認違法時,環保局搭配「扣車」及「重罰」的方式進行裁罰,並轉由工務局要求廢棄物來源工地善盡管理義務,必要時予以停工處分,全力遏止不法。執行期間內新北市的營建廢棄物非法棄置案件大量降低,成果可謂相當豐碩。


Since the establishment of the Industrial Waste Control Centre by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan in October 2000, The management of industrial waste has involved more internet and scientific techonology. The relevant managements measures include submission of disposal proposals, online reporting of industrial wastes, GPS tracking of disposal vehicles, and the use of radio-frequency idenfitication and closed circuit television technology. Nevertheless, cases of illegal disposal have not been reduced despite the improvement in management measures. As at April 2013, the Environmental Protection Administration has located a total of 244 illegal disposal sites, their area reaching a total of 12.19 million meter square. Furthermore, according to the statistics, from 2001 to 2012, there were 13 illegal disposal sites in New Taipei City, among which 10 of them were industrial waste disposal sites, taking up 76.9% of the total sites. The total area of the disposal sites had reached 53 000 meter square.Minor cases of illegal disposal of industrial wastes have also occurred from time to time during the period, proving the current management method ineffective in stopping illegal disposal of industrial wastes. Bearing in mind the frequent illegal disposal cases, the New Taipei City Administration has initiated a co-ordinated taskforce in March 2013 to start a Black Bat Project in combat of these illegal disposal cases. The Task Force has involved the Environmental Protection Administration, Police and Public Works Department. Making use of opportunities when the Police was conducting checks on drunk driving, speed driving and other areas, we have also checked and screened the sources and flow of industrial wastes. Should illegal cases be found, the Environmental Protection Administration will be informed. After confirming illegality, the Environmental Protection Administration will take control of the vehicle and give severe penalities. Afterwards, the Public Works Department will be request the source of industrial wastes to duly carry out their duties in disposing the wastes properly. Should the situation warrant, the construction sites may also be suspended from further construction. With these efforts, the illegal disposal of industrial wastes has been reduced to a large extent, which is a proven success.


9.林柏碩, RFID預埋於營建廢棄物流向追蹤之技術可行性研究,碩士論文,國立中央大學,2007年。
15.葉禮旭,營建廢棄物總量推估與源頭管理之研究 ,國立中央大學,博士論文,2011年。
