  • 學位論文


Analysis of Salary Equation of Chinese Professional Baseball League Players

指導教授 : 張宏浩
共同指導教授 : 簡文政(Wen-Jhan Jane)




This research is aimed to explore the relevance between on-field athletic performance and salary of the players at the Chinese Professional Baseball League (hereafter referred as CPBL). The study takes the statistics and salary information from players during CPBL seasons between 2008 and 2016 to explore its relevance. The empirical research results are as followed: For pitchers, there is significant negative correlation between salary and nationality, and there are higher positive correlations between the salary and number of strikeouts, games started, games won, innings pitched, games with no base on balls, pitches and hits allowed. Pitchers with foreign nationality, more games with no base on balls, more saves, more games started, less games with base on balls, more blown saves and high winning percentages are to be awarded with higher salary. For the fielders, there are higher positive correlations between salary and silver-slugger index, number of home runs, RBIs, bases on balls, total bases, runs, OPS (on-base percentage plus slugging percentage), intentional walks, doubles, hits and slugging percentages. Fielders with higher silver-slugger index, fewer games played, more base-on-balls, foreign nationalities, more sacrifice flies, fewer triples, higher slugging percentages, more at-bats are to be rewarded with higher salary. With the exclusion of silver-slugger index, fielders with few games played, more base-on-balls, foreign nationalities, more sacrifice flies, fewer triples, higher slugging percentages, more at-bats, more international walks, fewer plate appearances, fewer defensive positions, throws left, fewer doubles, lower batting averages and fewer strikeouts are to be rewarded with higher salary. The salary prediction formula developed based on this research can be applied by the clubs as reference measures to approve payroll. It can also be provided to the players as important and essential reference to negotiate for reasonable salary.


CPBL salary free agent games won slugging percentage


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