  • 學位論文


A Time Series Estimation of Daytime Population in Urban Area

指導教授 : 林峰田


日間人口是指除了居住人口外,也包含了工作、求學、消費購物、休閒等其他各種日間活動的真實人口量。日間人口是都市計劃、交通計劃、防災計劃等各種計劃重要的基礎資料,但至今日間人口的數量仍難以推估。內政部建築研究所近年來曾委託馮正民、黃台生、林楨家進行日間人口推估方法的研究,提出一套行業別的日間人口推估方法,但由於地區建物行業別資料的缺乏,尚未能利用該方法來推估地區的日間人口情形。 本研究目的在於以既有的行業別日間人口推估方法為基礎,提出以土地使用分區資料來推估地區日間人口的方法,以台北市士林區為實證地區,推估地區假日及非假日、分時的日間人口數量及分佈情形。實際的推估方法為,首先調查各種日間活動類別場所的真實日間人口數量情形,利用迴歸分析的方法來求得各種日間活動場所樓地板面積與日間人口數量的數學關係式,每個小時建置一條數學式(分非假日及假日),即各種日間活動類別(行業別的概念)的日間人口推估模式,利用該模式套用於各個已知屬於何種活動類別的場所,即可求得該活動場所日間各個時段的人口數量。推估的單位可細至單棟建物。至於未知屬於何種活動場所的日間人口,則取同使用分區內已知屬於何種活動建物的平均日間人口密度來計算,最終可求得全地區的日間人口數量及分佈情形。 在台北市的日間人口調查方面,發現所有的日間活動類別的日間人數,皆會隨時間改變而變化,不同的活動有其各自不同的日間人口形態。日間人口推估模式方面,有三分之一數量的推估模式R2值在0.8以上,其餘大部分推估模式的R2值約在0.4至0.7間。推估結果為士林區非假日日間人口約為戶籍人口的1.41倍,而假日約為戶籍人口的1.12倍,非假日日間人口的數量及分佈隨時間的變化較假日為大。


Daytime population is an essential data for urban planning, transportation planning, disaster prevention planning, etc. Up to now it’s still difficult to estimate daytime population in urban area. The Architechture & Building Reseach Institude, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan has developed a method to calculate population circulation for several business activities in urban areas last years. But due to lack of business composition data in certain areas, the method couldn’t be used to estimate the spatial distribution of daytime population. The research is to develop a method to estimate the tempo-spatial population distribution. We take Shiling District, Taipei as a test area. Estimating daytime population begins with investigating the daytime population of various urban land uses, then building up the regression models of daytime population against the corresponding land use areas for each daytime hour. For the buildings whose composite uses are known, we can use corresponding regression models to estimate daytime populations of the buildings. For the buildings whose composite uses are unknown, we use average daytime population density of the buildings which daytime populations are already estimated in the same land use zone to estimate their daytime population. Eventually we can estimate the daytime population of all areas. Via investigation we can construct the time series regression models for daytime populations of all kinds of activities. One third of the regression models whose R2 values are higher than 0.8, and R2 values of others are mostly in the range of from 0.4 to 0.7. The result shows that in Shiling District, the average daytime population during holidays is about 1.12 times of the registered population; on the other hand, the average daytime population during non-holidays is about 1.41 times of the registered population. Thus, the variation of daytime population in non-holidays is greater than that in holidays.


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