  • 學位論文


The Optimal Position Strategies of Private Labels under Channel Competition

指導教授 : 蔣明晃
共同指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


近年來,越來越多的零售商發展本身之私有品牌,因此私有品牌的相關研究已經成為零售商最關切的重要議題之一。對零售商來說,由於通路間競爭零售商與上游的全國性品牌製造商的相關決策都會影響本身之定位成敗,因此如何制訂私有品牌的產品定位策略變成最重要且困難的問題。 本研究延伸過去探討私有品牌定位之研究,建構單一製造商與面對兩競爭零售商的賽局理論通路模型,在私有品牌與全國性品牌競爭架構之下,同時考慮品牌競爭與通路競爭的情境中,探討零售商對於私有品牌產品定位以及最適的價格決策為何,並且利用不同情境下的比較分析,瞭解通路競爭環境參數對於私有品牌產品定位、定價的影響,最後根據分析比較之結果,得到相對應的管理意涵。 經過模型的比較後,本研究得出幾點重要的結論。第一點:當通路競爭程度增加時,零售商會偏向採取產品差異化的定位策略來避免通路上的競爭。第二點:當全國性品牌在零售商所佔的市場基礎越高時,零售商私有品牌的定位策略會偏向採取模仿策略以得到最大之獲利。第三點:當發展私有品牌之零售商市場基礎上升時,零售商的批發價格會上升,而通路上的競爭零售商之價格會下降。雖然直觀上當零售商市場基礎上升時,因為製造商對於零售商的依賴度增加,會導致零售商的通路權力相對提高而認為批發價格不應該上升;但是本研究認為批發價格上升是因為製造商知道私有品牌之零售商會將全國性品牌價格調升之因應動作,仍然可以利用兩者升高之價格差距(彼此獲利的比例)來看出零售商通路權力的上升,最後本研究根據不同的競爭環境,給予相關的管理意涵。


Recently, there are more and more retailers developing private labels. For this reason the researches relevant to private labels have become one of the important themes for discussion which retailers concern about. Because the decisions which the competitive retailers in the channel and the upstream national brand manufacturers make will influence the performance of product positioning, how to develop a appropriate strategy becomes a tough and important problem. This study constructs a game theory-based model in the manufacturer-retailers consumer channel. Under the channel competition, this study looks for the optimal private labels positioning and price strategies. Besides, this study analyzes the effect of channel competition upon the positioning and price strategies. Finally, this study brings up some management implications for retailer’s decision-making reference. There are three main conclusions in this study. First of all, when the channel competition degree is high, retailers prefer to adopt a differentiation positioning strategy to avoid head-to-head price competition. Secondly, when the national brand market base of the retailer which develops private labels increases, the retailer prefer to adopt an imitation positioning strategy for obtaining much more profit. Finally, this study utilizes the difference between rising market price and rising wholesale price to show the increase in channel power of retailer.


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