  • 學位論文


RFID-enabled Outpatient Clinic System Planning and Research to Improve Physician and Patient Relationship

指導教授 : 游張松


醫療服務主要分為四大類:手術、門診、住院及急診。由醫療院所之病人滿意度調查報告指出,門診之病人滿意度較住院、急診為低,並且選擇門診來治療之時間急迫性及傷病嚴重度通常較手術、急診、住院為低,病人對醫院的選擇度亦較高。加上門診的影響人次最多,如果服務不好,病人也最容易在各院之間流動、轉移而選擇他所醫療機構。若提升門診服務流程之服務品質及效率,對改善醫病關係及提升病人滿意度,將可以較迅速地發揮成效。故本研究遂以門診系統為研究對象,提出RFID致能門診系統(RFID-enabled Outpatient Clinic system)。   對國內外醫療機構導入RFID之案例進行比較分析後,本研究屏除過去案例以SARS事件及病人定位與辨識或監控作業之導入RFID系統之觀點,而提升心理與實質層次,以提升病人滿意度及提升醫病關係為共同參與關係之理想,規劃RFID科技應用於醫療系統,同時提升精確度、等待時間與空間及醫護人員態度之RFID致能門診醫療系統。創造病人、醫護人員與醫療院所各三方面都樂意使用、容易使用並且提升效益之RFID致能門診醫療系統。   本研究使用的研究方法包含SDLC系統發展生命週期、FSM有限狀態機設計模式、流程分析與再造、RFID無線射頻辨識技術科技特性分析以及自動記錄之Tuple Log資料結構設計。   依據SDLC的系統發展方法對RFID致能門診系統進行可行性及需求分析,進而對原醫療機構之門診流程進行分析,並充分運用RFID之科技特性進行流程再造,結合FSM分析及資料庫規劃,設計自動記錄的Tuple Log資料格式以自動進入資料庫,利於爾後的Data Mining及相關研究分析,進而為病人提供更優質的服務。並可釐清所有作業人員的責任歸屬,讓醫護人員可放心的將心思放於病人服務上,更關懷病人。   利用流程分析及FSM的方法討論舊有流程後解決作業之重要問題及關鍵,並設計在掛號櫃檯、自由報到與自由等待空間、診間、領藥櫃檯建置RFID系統,相關作業亦導入RFID技術以達到即時通知、自動辨識、記錄、驗證、資料分析效果,可提升醫療精確性以達到病人安全面的服務品質。   為減少病人等待時間,本研究提出VIP等待室及無限寬廣之自由等待空間概念與規劃,利用RFID特性並結合通信網路及無線網路通訊技術,經由訊息傳遞與通知,可減少病人實際等待時間。除此之外,病人可於VIP等待室獲得高規格的等待服務,以減少等待知覺時間。   最後,本研究基於研究成果與經驗,對於RFID致能門診系統提出導入建議:自願參加、宣導使用法及效益、建立VIP等待室與達到高效益及順暢的標籤發放作業。


Medical services could be classified into four major areas: surgical room operation, outpatient service, hospitalization service and emergency service. According to medical care institutes’ customer satisfaction surveys, patients are less satisfied with outpatient services than those with hospitalization service and emergency service. In addition, outpatients’ conditions are not as urgent and serious as emergency and operation cases, therefore, the outpatients could choose among medical care institutes, and low satisfaction may drive the patients out to choose other medical service institute. Hence we choose the outpatient clinic service as the thesis subject, and design and propose an RFID-enabled outpatient clinic (OPC) system to improve the physician-patient relationship and the OPC service quality.   The current RFID applications in Taiwan’s medical service institutes have largely broached from the specific event perspective, such as ”SARS prevention”, or “Promote the patient safety” by identifying, controlling or tracking their patients and medical staffs, which may make the users feel bad and reject the system. Our goals, instead, are to promote patients’ satisfaction and the physician-patient relationship by increasing the accuracy of medical care, reducing outpatients’ waiting time and improving the attitude of the care stuffs toward patients, and therefore, make all parties be willing and loving to adopt the proposed RFID-enabled OPC system.   The research methodologies used in this thesis include System Develop Life Cycle (SDLC), Finite State Machine (FSM) analysis, process reengineering, RFID technology and auto-recording “tuple log” function design.   According to SDLC, the thesis analyzes the feasibility, the requirements and the traditional medical care service process. And then the thesis devises and presents new medical care service process with RFID-enabled system via process reengineering and FSM method. Besides, it designs the data format as auto data collectable tuple-logs for database integration, which may be further used by data mining and other research to make services better. The auto-collected data logs clearly record each one’s responsibility, so that the doctors and nurses could concentrate and focus on the patient and the medical treatment.   Medical service institute could induct the system in the registration station, free checking and waiting apace, outpatient room, pharmacy, and the associated processes to increase the accuracy of medical services though utilizing the system’s RFID-enabled features, such as in time notification, auto-identification, auto-recording, auto-checking, and data analysis.   In order to reduce the outpatients’ waiting time, the thesis devises and presents RFID-enabled waiting rooms and Free Waiting Space via RFID, telecommunication networks and wireless networks technologies. The actual waiting time is reduced by the efficient medical services and the timely and interactive information messaging. Besides, the perceived time is dramatically reduced due to the RFID-enabled waiting rooms’ comfort settings and services.   At the end, the thesis presents suggestions of how to smoothly deploy the RFID-enabled OPC system yet with high Return over Investment, such as volunteer joining, propaganda, building VIP waiting rooms etc.


RFID physician-patient relationship OPC SDLC FSM




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