  • 學位論文


Study of Stand Regeneration in Kinmen Island

指導教授 : 王亞男


本文係探討金門地區在木麻黃(Casuarina equisetifolia)造林地林相改良之成果,包括更新樹種選擇、更新方式及撫育管理等工作之探討,並於陳仔山地區設置土壤及植群調查區,進行木麻黃造林地之土壤特性調查,以及樟樹、光臘樹、木麻黃純林之植群結構,以瞭解主要造林樹種之天然更新成果。   經由土壤調查及試驗之結果,金門陳仔山地區之土壤特性方面,除土壤酸化問題及土壤之分解作用旺盛外,試驗區之土壤肥力性質尚稱良好,因此,改良試驗區之土壤酸鹼性及碳氮比,將有助於林相改良之提升。金門木麻黃造林地目前林相更新樹種以樟樹(Cinnamomum camphora)、光臘樹(Fraxinus formosana)、楓香(Liquidambar formosana)為主,其他經濟樹種仍應繼續作試驗,在更新樹種之生長量方面,樟樹之生長情況良好,其在林相改良試驗區中,各徑級林木分配狀況良好,惟需加強人工之撫育措施。光臘樹在金門之林相改良試驗區之天然更新情況較樟樹良好,依林相更新試驗地之光臘樹與樟樹胸徑級分佈情形觀察,光臘樹較樟樹具有天然更新之潛在優勢,此外,在森林撫育方面,光臘樹之撫育工作較樟樹便利,因此光臘樹亦適合作為金門木麻黃造林地之林相改良樹種。


造林 木麻黃 林相改良 金門 植被


This study focuses on the stand improvement of beefwood (Casuarina equisetifolia) afforestation in Kinmen Islands, including selection of new tree species, regeneration of methods and fosteration of measures. The Chen-Zai Mountain (CZM) in Kinmen was selected for field experiments, soil surveys and plant investigations. In order to study the soil characteristics correlate to beefwood afforestation in the CZM area, the vegetation structures of camphor trees (Cinnamomum camphora), Formosan ash (Frazinus formosana) and Chinese sweet gum (Liquidambar formosana) and beefwood (Casuarina equisetifolia) were also investigated to understand their nature afforestation of the stand improvements. The soil properties in the CZM area are quite acid and also show easily decomposition of soil organic matters. The soil fertility in situ was quite well. Thus, we recommend that soil pH can be added limes and applied fresh soil organic matter into soils to increase soil C/N ratios, it will promote the stand improvements. The major stand improvements in Kinmen Island include camphor trees, Formosan ash and Chinese sweet gum. The other economic trees are also recommended to continuing their afforestation of field experiments. On the other hand, the growth quantities of regeneration of camphor trees are growth quite well in good conditions, however, the different diameter levels in the other stands show quite well but it is still needed to enhance fostering measurements. The natural regeneration of Formosan ash stand improvement of field experiments was better than that of camphor trees. According to the diameter of breast height (DBH) distribution of those two trees, the Formosan ash possesses highly potentials of natural regeneration. Formosan ash is a better tree, which is easily to foster than that of camphor tree. Thus, we recommend that Formosan ash is a suitable tree to replace beefwood as a new stand improvement tree in Kinmen Islands.


vegetation stand improvement Kinmen beefwood Afforestation


甘偉航、胡大維 1987 海岸防風林破壞跡地林下栽植更新試驗 林試所研究報告季刊2(1):1-12
陳燕章 1987 三種木麻黃耐鹽性之比較研究 現代育林3(1):64-68。
王子定 1966a 應用育林學(中卷) 國立編譯館
王子定 1966b 應用育林學(下卷) 國立編譯館
王子定 1974 理論育林學(上冊) 國立編譯館


