  • 學位論文

運動場上的眾聲喧嘩: 台灣棒球迷與職棒球場中的空間氛圍、人群互動分析

The Baseball Carnival in Taiwan: A Study of Fans, Spatial Interactions and Atmospheres in Stadiums

指導教授 : 畢恆達


棒球在台灣發展的歷史已超過一百年,可說是台灣庶民文化中的一個代表。尤其自1990年中華職棒聯盟成立之後,台灣的棒球運動進入了職業化(商品化、長期化)時代,球賽變得更普及。十七年下來,產生了各形各色為數眾多的球迷,藉由棒球這個文本,球迷獲得了閃躲與創造的愉悅,並蘊生了台灣獨特的球場文化。 在台灣喜歡看球、談球的仍是以男性為主,有些女性(母親、女友)在球場上往往扮演一種陪伴的角色。台灣「偶像迷」多半指的是那些看長相多過看球技的女球迷。或許是因為棒球的競爭本質使然,使得「看得懂球」變成一個真正棒球迷最基本卻也最嚴格的標準,棒球場上的偶像迷是一件可以做但是卻無法坦然承認的事。 台灣棒球場給球迷「家」的感覺,指的是一個熟悉的地方、一種習慣的氛圍,而非特指某個地方的球場。與老球場相比,台灣目前在使用的職棒場地不論在硬體或軟體設備上都有改善。而美國、日本的球場對很多台灣球迷來說是個聖地,是球迷朝聖的地點。 台灣的棒球比賽類似Bakhtin(1998)所指出的中世紀嘉年華。棒球賽提供了一個逃離日常煩悶生活的出口;在球場中沒有任何階級身份的差異,大家都是球迷;在比賽過程中,球迷不僅僅是旁觀者,更是積極的參與者。球場觀眾席中不同的區位會使球迷產生不同的行為,是一個空間與人相互影響的例子。台灣棒球場充滿了雙方叫囂以及嘉年華會的氛圍,其中啦啦隊是球場氣氛營造的重要角色。除了啦啦隊,球場中的人群互動亦可引用Bakhtin(1998)嘉年華文化的三種基本形式來說明:一是集體的儀式化景觀如波浪舞與兄弟象戰歌;二是球迷各種喜劇(言詞)的創作,包括扮裝與言語的戲謔和羞辱;三是各種的球場語言,如各隊的加油口號與球迷的球場垃圾話。


職業棒球 球迷 愉悅 棒球場 嘉年華


The development of baseball in Taiwan has been over one hundred years. Baseball, in its era of professionalism (which includes commoditization) since Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) founded in 1990, has become one of the representations of Taiwanese popular culture, attracting a great variety of baseball fans over 17 years. These fans acquire evasion and pleasures of productivity from baseball games, creating the unique baseball culture in Taiwan. In Taiwan, most baseball fans are males. Some females (mothers or girlfriends) usually play an accompany role in the stadium. The baseball idol fans in Taiwan mostly refer to those who prefer good-looking rather than good-skill players. The underlying essence of baseball, competition, makes it the most basic and strict standard to at least understand the rules and the game. It is, therefore, hard for those idol fans to admit that they are watching the game because of those good-looking players. Baseball stadiums in Taiwan make the fans feel at home. The at-home feeling is transcended by a sense of familiar atmosphere rather than any specific stadium. Comparing with the old baseball stadiums, the present stadiums in use have been improved a lot in their facilities. For many Taiwanese baseball fans, the baseball stadiums in U.S and Japan are just like their pilgrimages of baseball. Baseball game in Taiwan is like Bakhtin’s the medieval carnival. Baseball game offers an exit for normal boring lives. There are no class or status differences in the baseball stadiums. In the process of a baseball game, fans are not only spectators but active participants. Fans in different stands will behave differently, it’s an example that space and people affect interactively. The baseball stadiums in Taiwan are full of shout and yell and carnival atmosphere. The cheer squad is the important role to create atmosphere. Beside the cheer squad, we also can use Bakhtin’s carnival theory to explain other people interactions in baseball stadiums. There are three fundamental forms: The first are collective rituals like the wave ; the second are comedies(words) productions like make-ups, parodies and humiliation; the third are various baseball languages like cheering slogans and trash talks.


professional baseball, fans pleasure baseball stadium carniva


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