  • 學位論文


A Study of Conservation Promotion Strategies for Cultural Architecture in Taiwan

指導教授 : 柯承恩


建築類文化資產屬於不可再生的資產,隨著時間的流逝,深富歷史意義的建築、古蹟會不斷消失或毀壞。臺灣建築類文化資產,要不因經濟起飛時被拆除重蓋大樓,就是經過數次重修,很少能完全保持初創的原貌,學者常感嘆:修一棟毀一棟。本研究希望能對臺灣建築類文化資產保存問題作更深入之瞭解,擬具可達成目標之行動準則,提供執行團隊在做決策時,依策略架構所提出之複雜變數及關鍵因素,於進行檢視後找到適合之解決方案。 界定研究架構及範圍之後,運用相關研究方法,針對建築類文化資產保存之歷史背景、現況問題分析做一背景敘述,分別構成第二、三章。並在第四章中,適切從政府部門的支援策略、人力資源培育策略、保存修護執行策略及民間參與策略等四個層面提出台灣建築類文化資產保存策略。 第五章則剖析文化資產保存之產業發展,就台灣文化資產之資產評估方式、成本效益分析、與文化觀光連結等三大領域分別敘述台灣文化資產產業現況,並提出國外相關之案例,做為未來之參考。 第六章則針對建築類文化資產再利用提出相關案例分析,並從古蹟與歷史建築再利用、歷史街區活化、聚落保存與社區發展及工業遺址軟硬體規劃等四方面一一提出相關個案。 最後,則根據前述分析,提出未來政府擬定相關政策時應有的思維和可有之作為,並將此次無法顧及之問題,作為後續研究之課題。


Taiwan’s ancient monuments and historic buildings are important non-renewable cultural assets inevitably facing the ravages of time, though during the economic boom, the deliberate threat of real estate speculation resulted in much demolition or countless insensitive renovations. Scholars have expressed concern for the survival of the character of this historic fabric under such circumstances. This dissertation will develop conservation strategies in the context of this financial and political atmosphere that at once challenges the survival of our tangible history, yet ultimately is the means of its successful perpetuation. Chapters Two and Three will provide background research on and an analysis of the problems facing our historic buildings. Furthermore, government supporting policies, human resource development, execution guidelines, and strategies for private involvement will be examined as a basis for developing appropriate conservation principles. The value of cultural property development will be analyzed in Chapter Five considering property assessment, cost benefit analysis, and cultural tourism, citing also case studies of similar initiatives in other countries. Additionally, in Chapter Six, domestic case studies will examine the reuse of historic properties, revitalized historic streets, the conservation and community development of historic villages,and the planning for industrial heritage conservation. Cultural properties are an important aspect of the heritage of our people, and thus the government must not only act to protect these places, but also to make them accessible for the interaction and understanding of this history.The urgent need for bureaucratic coordination within involved government departments, following a properly developed planning policy intent on sensitive conservation and effective use of human resources, will conclude the proposed strategy for conservation through important government involvement. A continuous examination of ongoing problems facing conservation should be undertaken, but will not be included in this dissertation.




江覲文(2011)。發展客庄聚落文化與生態觀光策略之研擬 以屏東縣萬巒鄉五溝水社區為例〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-1903201314421126
