  • 學位論文


A Study on Senior Housing Development in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蘇喜


隨著高齡化社會的來臨,除了人口高齡化問題,人口之老化速度之快,更是問題的所在。有關高齡者的居住問題及照護需求的滿足愈形迫切,應當如何來建構一完整的高齡者住宅體系以因應日益增多的高齡者居住需求,是我國必須面臨的重要課題。尤其在社經環境變遷下,家庭結構核心化、婦女就業人口增加,家庭所能負擔的照顧功能日漸式微,使得居家安養漸行困難,而有演變為倚重機構安養的趨勢。因此,安養、養護機構以及銀髮住宅的需求量將快速成長,建構完善的老人住宅體系更有其必要。 然而現行的銀髮住宅體系尚屬未臻健全,實不足以因應日益增加的照護需求。因此,政府實有必要積極整合政府及民間的資源、修訂相關制度及法規,建構完善銀髮住宅制度、法規和體系,以滿足日益增加的需求。因此,某國營企業,為了善盡其企業之社會責任、滿足國人對老人安養與照護之需求及發展多角化經營,擬計劃開發及投資設置銀髮族養生村,擴展服務範圍,並藉由多角化經營,創造商機,提昇企業競爭力,以永續經營及發展。 本研究採取文獻分析法,經由蒐集及瞭解包括我國銀髮住宅之現況、政策及個案,以及先進國家如日本、美國、歐洲的英國、瑞典、丹麥及德國等之銀髮住宅的相關文獻資料,經由歸納、整理、分析比較,探討銀髮族居住概況、銀髮住宅之發展、現況及問題、政策等,以及先進國家發展銀髮住宅的可借鏡之處。並經由實際參與某國營企業之評估開發及投資建構銀髮族養生村研究案之實證研究結果,提出初淺分析及對我國推動銀髮住宅養生村之建議,以作為建構完善的老人住宅養生村之參考。包括對政府的建議:(1)整合政府與民間的資源,儘速建構完善銀髮住宅制度、法規、體系及網絡,(2)研訂或增修銀髮住宅相關法令,(3)建立制度化之財源,(4)結合社會福利政策及社會福利資源分配..等;對有意投入銀髮住宅之企業,進行評估投資開發之建議:(1)需符合滿足高齡者多元、多層次的需求、清楚定位及前瞻規劃,(2)結合科技應用之銀髮住宅創新服務模式,(3)建置銀髮住宅之社區網絡支持系統..等。


高齡者 銀髮住宅 養生村


The growing population of aged citizen has become one of the important social issues. The living environment, health care, and medical care for those aged citizen have been brought to the attention by governments in those aging contries. In this fast changing society, the structure of family has been changed when more women go out to make living. The family is lack of the manpower to take care. Therefore to build a well organized senior housing system to meet the strong demand of the aging sociaty has become an urgent demand. However, senior housing facility is still in its infancy. It is not able to meet the increasing demand of senior caring needs. Local authority needs to utilize its power, and to combine all available resource from the society, and results in constructing a high quality and enough quantity senior housing facility to catch up the demands. A recent example is an under planning state-run enterprise, which intends to expand its business scope to enhance its competitiveness and to make a long term planning of its business roadmap by entering the construction of the senior house system. This study analyzes the current condition of our senior housing, together with the information about the senior housing in developed and aging countries like Japan, US, England, Sweden, Demark and Germany, to obtain a reference for the improvement that we can make to build a better senior housing system. Furthermore, the experience from the developing case of the aforementioned state-run enterprise is also used to refine the conclusion and the suggestions on how to make a better constructed senior housing facility. The suggestions include: (1) resource integration of local authority and society, (2) setting rules and regulations, (3) searching for constant funding source, and (4) the combination of welfare policy and resource sharing. For the corporation intend to join into this sector, the following suggestions on the evaluation of investment are given: (1) business model, market position and planning, (2) introduction of advanced technology to the facility, and (3) construction of the linkage between communities.


senior housing


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