  • 學位論文


The influence of the Legislative Electoral System on the Party Politics in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱榮舉


任何一個國家選舉制度的變革都會對政黨政治造成相當程度的影響。本論文主要重點在探討我國第七次修憲後採行日本式的「單一選區兩票制」及「立委名額減半」這兩項重大改革,正好與學者Lijphart所說選舉制度變革與政黨發展最主要的關連者在於選舉公式與選區應選名額部分相符。所以本論文目的在於試圖瞭解臺灣各政黨,尤其是親民黨與台聯在新的選舉制度、兩大黨的排擠與選民棄小黨保大黨的多重衝擊之下,如何因應與發展並跳脫藍綠框架,創造出另一生存空間,保有其政治版圖。 本論文之研究途徑有二:歷史的研究途徑與政治過程研究途徑。而在研究方法上係採用「文獻分析法」與「深度訪談法」。文獻分析法方面,不但著重資料的蒐集與分析比較,瞭解相關的中西學術理論外,對於有關立法委員選舉制度、政黨政治、國會動態等時事報導與評論文章更隨時進行資料的更新,讓本論文能夠掌握最新的文獻,內容更充實完善符合實際現況。在深度訪談方面,透過與立法委員、專家學者及新聞媒體一對一的訪談方式,瞭解我國單一選區兩票制的實施,對我國政黨政治將會產生什麼影響,尤其是立法委員總席次由225席減為113席、選區劃分等對國會生態及地方派系勢力都會有所重大變動與衝擊,相關權責單位必須及早規劃良好的配套措施,否則衍生的問題將會更多。 本論文的主要發現有六: 一、選制改革無法完全改善舊有選制弊病;二、我國政黨體系將朝兩大黨制方向發展;三、立委名額仍有討論空間;四、立委名額配置須儘量符合政治代表性;五、原住民選區劃分仍待解決;六、藍綠對抗將持續惡化不易國族整合。期能藉由這些研究發現,促使執政當局重視選制變革所帶來的各項問題,透過這些問題找出解決的方法,並訂定出一套符合臺灣現實狀況的選舉制度。


Changes of the electoral system in any country will impact on party politics in a considerable degree. This paper will explore two important reforms of Japanese “Single Member Districts, Two non-Transferable Votes” and “Halve the Legislative Committee Member” implemented after seventh constitutional amendments in Taiwan, which correspond with that the most important relevancy between electoral system changes and development of political parties lies in the electoral formula and the number of persons to be elected in the constituency proposed by scholar Lijphart. Therefore, this paper attempts to understand every political party in Taiwan, especially the People First Party and Taiwan Solidarity Union how to handle, develop and then get out of the fame of the Blue and the Green to create another survival space and to maintain their political domain under multiple impacts of new electoral system, supplant of two large parties and electors dumping small parties and saving large parties. There are two research apporoachs in this thesis.One is a history study approach ;the other is a political process model.This paper adopts Literature Review and In-depth interview in term of the research method. In respect of the literature review, it not only puts emphasis on the collection, analysis and comparison of materials and understands relative Chinese and western academic theories, but also updates information of news reports and commentaries regarding the electoral system of the legislative committee member, party politics and congress movements, so that this paper can master newest literatures with richer and perfect content in accordance with actual situations. In aspect of the in-depth interview, it understands what influence of enforcement of “Single Member Districts, Two non-Transferable Votes” in Taiwan on the party politics by means of one-on-one interviews with legislative committee members, experts and scholars as well as news media. Especially the number of legislative committee members reducing from 225 to 113 and demarcation of constituencies etc. will make major changes and impacts on congressional dynamics and local factions, so relative responsible organizations must make planning on good associated measures as soon as possible, or there will be more derived problems. This thesis finds six major problems as following: I. the electoral reform cannot improve disadvantages of old electoral system; II. The party system will tend towards two large parties; III. The number of legislative committee member still can be discussed. IV. distribution of the number of legislative committee members shall suit to the political representative characteristic as much as possible; V. demarcation of constituencies of original inhabitants shall be still solved; VI. The Blue-Green Confrontation will deteriorate continuously which will make against the national integration. This paper hopes that these researches and findings can prompt the authority to pay attention to various problems caused by electoral reforms, to find methods to solve through these problems and then to formulate a set of electoral system suitable to actual situations in Taiwan


Cox,Gary W.& Frances Rosenbluth,September 1993,“The Electoral Fortunes of Legislative Factions in Japan.”American Political Science Review,Vol.87,NO.3,pp.577-589..


周佑政(2016)。太陽花學運後台灣新興政黨的形成與發展 -時代力量黨與社會民主黨的個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201602760
