  • 學位論文

全球化上海的懷舊與現代化景觀 :跨國菁英與全球城市都市論

The Nostalgia and Modernizing Landscapes in Shanghai: Transnational elites and global-city urbanism

指導教授 : 周素卿


本研究關懷重點在於當代新興全球城市急速轉變的社會與生活文化景觀。而90年代以來的「全球化」與「全球城市」等這些具有經濟化約傾向的理論,都無法回應這樣的關懷,故提出全球城市都市論(global-city urbanism),企圖重新定義Michael Peter Smith的「跨國城市都市論」(transnational urbanism),架構能夠分析當代新興全球城市的都市論。有鑑於全新都市地景的生產與呈現已經成為指認全球城市的重要象徵,因此本研究以景觀做為全球城市都市論的知識論核心,並結合傳統地理學的地景與Appadurai的五個流動景觀重新予以概念化後,以與社會及文化面向有較為緊密結合的「媒體景觀」、「消費景觀」以及「跨國菁英的生活風格景觀」三種景觀作為分析主軸,分析政府、市場與跨國菁英在此一全球城市景觀形塑過程中扮演如何關鍵的角色,以及透過這些景觀所意圖傳達的意識型態景觀,並透過廣告、網站資訊以及媒體報導等文本分析、跨國菁英訪談以及田野觀察的方式,藉此分析出上海全球都市論的本質特徵。 透過研究分析發現,全球化上海從1992年經濟起飛以來,「懷舊」與「現代化」論述具體呈現於都市景觀的打造中,在此一「全球城市化」過程中,國家挪用雙重論述執行社會與文化控制工程,合理化與掩蓋經濟轉型過程中的社會問題,並透過媒體控制積極塑造上海具備吸引全球資本與菁英的都市意象與經驗;而消費性奇觀的打造者亦同時搭上此一「雙軌列車」,生產經濟利潤的同時,以跨國菁英做為全球化生活風格與品味的典範,創造可供都市菁英挪用的「文化資本」;做為都市行動主體的跨國菁英,透過日常生活的編織,穿梭於現代化與懷舊空間,在其中累積文化與社會資本;同時,透過其生活風格區辨的過程,對於都市空間同時產生切割作用,使得都市呈現片斷與破碎的空間特質。 最後,本研究分析得出全球化上海的新都市論內涵有二,首先是懷舊與現代化交織辯證的城市景觀呈現其實是一種建構與操弄的過程。其次是在一連串排除性空間的生產過程中,當代全球化上海是一個時間與空間斷裂的城市,只是在國家、市場與跨國菁英各有所圖,卻一致地挪用懷舊與現代化元素的過程中,製造出縫合了時空斷裂的假象。儘管在不同的歷史地理脈絡下,不同全球城市都市論內涵會有所差異,但國家、市場與跨國菁英三者共謀掌握都市特質呈現的事實,卻是新興全球城市中共同的特徵。


The main concern of this research lays on the fast changing cultural landscapes of society and life taking place in emerging global cities within our time. Through reviewing, I found the concepts which have taken over since the 90s, including the narratives about “globalization” as well as “global city” incapable of responding to the change of cultural landscape, due to its intrinsic fallacy on economic reductionism. Therefore, based on the redefinition of “transnational urbanism” proposed by Michael Peter Smith, I propose using “global-city urbanism” as new framework. Since the production and representation of new urban landscape are critical to the identification of global cities, the research will be centering on the landscape as epistemology of global-city urbanism. Additionally combining landscape studies in traditional geography and the five distinct spheres associated with global cultural flows presented by Cultural theorist Arjun Appadurai, I adopt three scapes– mediascape, consumption scape and transnational elites’ lifestyles landscape as for my analytical framework. I use this framework to achieve three objectives: firstly, to analyze the three critical agents, government, market and transnational elites, who are responsible for the shaping of global city landscape; secondly, to disentangle the message they communicate with the society with the ideoscape; and finally to seek out the intrinsic quality of Shanghai’s global-city urbanism. In my research findings, two motifs, nostalgia and modernization, repeatedly take place in the discourse of the urban landscape making. In the process of being a global city, the nation appropriates dual discourses in order to execute social and cultural control, and moreover, to either legitimate or gloss over the social problems occurring in the economic transformation. Through active media modification, the government pictures urban images and experiences that are appealing to global capital. The architect of spectacular consumption landscape nonetheless pursues this dual track. While raising profit, it also produces “cultural capital” by using transnational elites as the model for global lifestyle and taste. Transnational elites, as agents in the city, accumulate their cultural and social capitals while they weave their everyday life, swinging between modernized space and nostalgic space. The sort of consumption taste is frequently appropriated by the market, and reified in the production of space by the real estate market. Meanwhile, the distinction of lifestyles links while also simultaneously segments urban spaces, and thus formed the fragmented quality of urban space. In my conclusion remark, I argue that there are two intrinsic qualifies in the new urbanism of globalizing Shanghai. First of all, the dialect between nostalgia and modernization shown on the new urban landscapes in the emerging global city is, in fact, a process of construction and modification. The reproduction of “haipai wenhua” and “hsiazi pinwei” are two examples. Secondly, in a series of the exclusive spaces production, globalizing Shanghai is underneath a time-space fragmented city. Only when nation, market and transnational elites coherently adopt the two motifs for their own purposes, will the fraction seam and produce an illusion as a whole. Global-city urbanism may differ from city to city. Regardless of diverse historical and geographical contexts, they share the same characteristics, that is, nation, market and transactional elites complot the shaping of urbanism.


上海樓市 2005年8月到2006年7月共計二十四期。
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