  • 學位論文

線上遊戲中個人對遊戲規則的詮釋與再建構: 以台灣玩家「開外掛」之行為為例

The Study on Personal Interpretation and Reconstruction of Online Game Rules: Base on the Viewpoint of Taiwanese Player on the Behaviors of “Kai Wai Gua”

指導教授 : 張志銘


本論文探討台灣玩家在線上遊戲中「開外掛」此一特殊違反規則的行為的現象,本研究以Huizinga所提的「魔幻領域」(magic circle)界定「遊戲」概念,與後續Salen & Zimmerman等人提出電腦遊戲此一場域中「理念上規則」與「實際上規則」的玩家分殊詮釋與實作,來審視玩家在遊戲場域中透過「開外掛」這類違反規則的行為,詮釋、解構、再建構屬於遊戲社群的遊戲規則。 本研究採取「半結構式」的深度訪談,與25位玩家進行一對一訪談,從這些玩家「開外掛」或看待他人「開外掛」的遊戲經驗中,分析玩家的規則觀、遊戲感的建構與解構、再建構的過程。一般玩家社群中,會自我分類為「手動玩家」、「外掛玩家」兩個社群彼此對立,然而,本研究發現玩家們其實不是分類為「手動玩家」、「外掛玩家」兩大類,依照他們的外在行為,本研究認為實際上有著「純手動、「半自動」、「全自動」等三類玩家,所謂的「純手動玩家」其實非常稀少,大多數的玩家的遊戲實作經驗中,是屬於「半自動」、「全自動」的不同程度、個別拆解遊戲規則挪為己用。 同時,本研究以Huizinga、Salen & Zimmermnan的觀點察照玩家「開外掛」的現象,發現在線上遊戲這一虛擬環境中,「魔幻領域」此一共同體的想像其實並非是所有玩家有共享的概念,個別玩家劃界現實/遊戲的分界皆來自於個人獨特的線下 / 線上的背景脈絡,玩家受到交錯於現實/遊戲之間的雙重脈絡影響,每個人不同程度的拼貼、剪裁「理念上規則」,建構出個人的「實際上規則」。「魔幻領域」此一共同體的遊戲氛圍,也因玩家個人線上/線上不同的社會、遊戲背景,而有不同的詮釋。


This thesis discussed about the “Open outside-suspending” phenomenon, which violates the rules, of Taiwanese online-game players. Two theories were used as the basis of the research. First, the magic circle proposed by Huizinga defines the conception of games. And the following interpretation, asserted by Salen & Zimmerman , divides the players by ideal and practical rules. Based on the above ideas, this research observed how the “Open outside-suspending” players interpret, deconstruct, and reconstruct the rules that established in the on-line game community. With the use of semi-structure one-to-one interviewing technique, the investigation included 25 online game players. From these interviewers’ own experiences and views on outside-suspending, the study aimed to analyze their conceptions of rules as well as the processes of constructing, deconstructing, and reconstructing during their playing. Based on a general idea, those classifying themselves as “manual players” form an extremely opposing group to the outside-suspending. However, the research findings showed that such groupings, manual and outside-suspending, are not the case. In reality, according to the players’ external behaviors, they should be divided into three groups, the manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic ones. What’s more, the so-called manual players are actually rare. In most of these players’ real experiences, most of them are at the different levels of semi- and fully automatic who often deconstruct the rules in their own ways. Meanwhile, by observing the “open outside-suspending” phenomenon through Huizinga, Salen & Zimmermnan’s point of views, it showed that the imagination of “Magic Circle” in the fictitious world was not a shared concept. Conversely, the players make the boundary between real life and fictitious game individually by their own special online and offline contexts. Besides, due to the influence of these intricately interwoven threads between reality (life) and fabrication (games), each player tends to use their unique methods to construct the rules from the ideal principles to personal ones. As a result, these individuals’ schemata in online and offline societies led them to the different interpretations toward the community of “Magic Circle”.


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