  • 學位論文


A Legal Research on the Regulation of Special Businesses in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳新民


舞廳、舞場、酒家、酒吧、特種咖啡茶室、視聽歌唱、理容及三溫暖等八種行業,傳統上稱之為八大行業、特種行業或特種營業,其在我國目前並無中央層級之專門法令作為管理依據,而係以地方自治條例加以管理。本文首先自歷史之觀點來觀察我國關於特種營業之管理,以重要管理政策以及管理法令作為分期之依據,藉由歷史方式之探索,以得知特種營業管理之源由以及背景,並瞭解過去之管理法制上是否產生如何之問題,以及該等問題在後面之時期是否有所改善。   其次,以對於特種營業管理歷史之分析作為基礎,繼續就我國之管理現況加以介紹及分析,將我國對於特種營業之管理法制區分不同之面向,綜合對於特種營業之特別管理法規以及針對一般營業之一般法規加以探討,以得出我國現今管理特種營業之輪廓,並作為以法治國原則加以檢討之基礎。在對於特種營業管理現況之作分析之後,接下來介紹法治國內涵中之重要原則,並以之為衡量之準繩,檢驗我國特種營業之管理是否符合法治國家之要求,包括地方自治條例之性質、可否限制人民權利,以及其與法律保留之關係,並探求特種營業之管理法令是否與法律保留原則、比例原則、法律明確性原則、不當聯結禁止原則、司法救濟之保障等法治國家之重要原則相符。最後,則為特種營業管理法制之前瞻,就外國立法例中可供我國特種營業管理之參考者,作概要性之介紹,並提出本文之結論與建議。


Traditionally, the businesses including ballrooms, dance halls, wineshops, bars, special coffee and tea shops, audiovisual singing services, barbershops and sauna houses have been collectively called Special Businesses or Eight Businesses, and strictly regulated by central and local governments in Taiwan. However, nowadays no special laws or regulations regarding Special Businesses at central rank are promulgated and self-government ordinances are instead the main source of regulatory rules. To begin with, this thesis looks into the regulation of Special Businesses from a historical perspective with different regulatory phases divided by significant regulatory policies and rules, in an effort to realize what were the origin and background of such regulation and to understand whether any problems had arisen therefrom and whether such problems were solved in the following phases.  Secondly, on the basis of the historical analysis, this thesis continues to introduce and analyze the current situation of the regulation of Special Businesses by dividing the regulatory rules into different aspects and combining special regulatory rules for Special Businesses with general ones for ordinary businesses, so as to outline the current regulation in Taiwan and to lay the groundwork for the examination with the principle of "rule of law". After the analysis of current regulation, this thesis introduces the essential principles of the concept of the "rule of law" (or "Rechtsstaat" in German), which can be used as criterions to examine whether the regulation of Special Businesses in Taiwan conforms to such principles. The examination includes the nature of local self-government ordinances, whether such ordinances can restrict human rights, the relationship between such ordinances and the principle of legal reservation (or "Prinzip des Gesetzesvorbehalt" in German) and the exploration of the conformity between the regulatory rules and the essential principles of "rule of law" such as the principle of legal reservation, the principle of proportionality (or "Grundsatz der Verhältnismäβigkeit" in German), the principle of clarity of law (or "Bestimmtheitsprinzip" in German), the principle of prohibition against unreasonable connection (or "Koppelungsverbot" in German) and the principle of judicial remedy (or "Justizgewährung" in German). Lastly, the final part of this thesis contains the basic introduction concerning relevant regulation and legislative trend in other countries and the conclusion and suggestions of this thesis.


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