  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy on Geography fro Seventh Grade Students

指導教授 : 賴進貴


概念構圖在地理教學應用尚未普及。本研究主要目的在探討概念構圖教學策略在地理科「學業成就」及「學後保留」上之影響,並探討教學策略、性別及學生空間能力對「學業成就」與「學後保留」是否有交互作用。最後根據研究結果加以討論,並提出未來研究與教學建議。 本研究採不等組前後測準實驗設計,立意抽取台北縣新莊國中七年級兩班學生,將之分為實驗組與對對照組,實施五週、每週一節之比對實驗。實驗組教學採概念構圖教學策略,對照組則採傳統教學方式,無實驗處理。本研究以組別、性別、空間能力為自變項,而地理科「學業成就」、「學後保留」為依變項,並以四次段考平均成績為共變數,進行t測試及二因子變異數分析。本研究另外針對實驗組學生進行學習意見調查,進一步了解實驗組學生對概念構圖教學之心得及感想。 由實驗結果發現:接受概念構圖教學策略的學生在地理科學業成就顯著高於傳統教學策略的學生,在地理科學後保留顯著高於傳統教學策略的學生;就地理科學業成就及學後保留而言,教學策略與性別間並無交互作用;就地理科學業成就及學後保留而言,在教學策略與不同空間能力學生間也沒有交互作用;實驗組學生對於實施概念構圖融入地理科學習具有正向、肯定的反應。


This study is aimed at exploring the influence of concept mapping teaching strategy on geography instruction. Besides, it also explored if there is any interaction between different teaching strategies and students’ gender differences, or between different teaching strategies and spatial ability. Based on research result, several suggestions were made to the teaching and future research. This research adopts an experimental approach. Two classes of Sin Jhuang junior high school were chosen and divided as experimental group and controlled group. The experimental group adopted concept mapping method once a week for consecutively five weeks and the controlled group received traditional method. The experiment data were analyzed using t-test, two-way ANOVA with group, gender and spatial ability as the independent variables, while the post-test of the geography achievement, the second post-test of the retention as the dependent variable, the average of four mid-term exams as covariate. Questionnaire survey was conducted to examine the experimental group’s view of receiving concept mapping in geography class. The results of this study include: 1).the experimental group taking concept mapping strategy has better achievement and better retention than the controlled group, similar difference appear receiving traditional method; 2). In terms of geography achievement and retention, there are no interaction between teaching strategy and gender differences; 3). In terms of geography achievement and retention, there are no interaction between teaching strategy and spatial ability differences; 4). The students are positive on using of concept mapping in geography learning.


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王姿丰(2009)。95 高中地理課綱地理資訊系統融入教學之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.01516
