  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Weight Concern and Relative Behaviors Among the Seventh Graders in Taipei City and Hsin-chu County

指導教授 : 李蘭


本研究目的在瞭解台北市與新竹縣七年級學生之體重關注與體重相關行為的關係,其中,體重關注的部分是透過體重改變意圖及體重關注類型來測量。利用兒童及青少年行為之長期發展研究(簡稱CABLE計畫)中,共2,166位七年級學生的資料,進行次級資料分析,主要採用Logistic regression完成統計分析。重要結果如下:1. 88.87%的學生有規律吃早餐的習慣,58.31%的人有規律運動習慣,而9.04%的人抽過菸。2. 在體重改變意圖方面,42.77%的人想減重,7.67%的人想增重。3. 比率最高的三種體重關注類型為「標準且不想改變」、「標準但想減重」、「過重且想減重」。4. 飲食方面,女生、體重標準及過重的人當中,具有減重意圖者,較無規律吃早餐的習慣。5. 運動方面,想增重的男生,較無運動習慣;想增重的女生,則較會有規律運動習慣。6. 吸菸方面,體重關注與吸菸經驗無顯著相關。根據本研究結果,建議針對想減重的人設計體重相關教育課程,鼓勵他們養成正確的生活型態和體重觀念,避免青少年日後因為過度關注體重而有不良的行為表現或發展成極端的體重控制行為。


體重關注 改變意圖 吃早餐 運動 吸菸


This study explored the relationship between weight concern and relative behaviors in 2,166 seventh graders in Taipei City and Hsin-chu County. Data of “Children and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE)” were used for secondary data analysis. Logistic regression was employed to analyze. We found that 88.87% of the sample reported eating breakfast regularly within the past 7 days, 58.31% reported exercising regularly, and 9.04% reported having ever smoking. Then, we found that 42.77% of the sample hoped to lose weight, 7.67% hoped to gain weight, and the others did not hope to change their weight. Moreover, we also found that one-fourth of the sample had normal weight but still hope to lose weight. After logistic regression analysis, there were several important results as following. Firstly, when compared to those who didn’t hope to change weight (as the reference group), people who hope to lose weight were significantly less likely to eat breakfast regularly within a week (OR =0.517). Among females, girls who want to lose weight were significantly less likely to eat breakfast regularly than the reference group (OR =0.506). Secondly, we found that males who want to gain weight were significantly less likely to exercise regularly than the reference group (OR =0.447); females who want to gain weight were significantly more likely to exercise regularly (OR =2.160). Thirdly, weight concern was not associated with their smoking behavior. According to the results, it was suggested that health and educational organizations should promote more weight-related programs and prevent adolescents from over-concerning about their weight or practicing extreme weight control behaviors. Also, to encourage adolescents who had the attempts to change weight to build healthy lifestyles, especially not take skipping breakfast as one of the weight control strategies.


weight concern attempts breakfast exercising smoking


林佳蓉、曾明淑、高美丁、葉文婷、潘文涵(1999)。國民營養健康狀況變遷調查,NAHSIT 1993-1996:台灣地區四至十二歲兒童飲食習慣調查。中華民國營養學會雜誌,24(1),81-98。


