  • 學位論文


A Legal Analysis of Creative Commons License and Its Application

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


本論文首先回顧與檢討在目前數位環境下著作權法上之著作權限制,探討其是否有預留給公眾自由文化的發展。再者,由於,現行著作權授權制度之專業性與困難性,因此在世界各國中漸漸有各種開放性授權之興起,包括目前最為普遍也是本文研究重心的創用CC授權,另外還有BBC創意典藏授權、開放內容授權、開放出版授權、自由文件授權、自由藝術授權與開放音樂授權等。 因此,於第三章先對於這些開放性授權做基本的授權條款介紹,並於第四章,將創用CC授權定性為「契約」或「單方授權」不同概念的角度切入,對於創用CC的核心授權條款作法律分析。首先,去探討授權成立的時點、解釋創用CC授權中的免責條款、未成年人是否可以取得授權或是採用該授權、在不適格的無權利人採用創用CC授權將他人的著作釋出時,被授權人是否取得授權,如果未取得授權,對於真正的權利人是否需要返還過去的使用收益,以及若因為未取得授權而遭受侵害,應如何向該不適格的創用CC授權人請求賠償損害,並討論原本適格的著作權人以創用CC授權釋出其著作後,又將其著作財產權讓與或授權給他人,對於在不同時點使用該著作的被授權人而言,是否可以對抗之,將於本文中一一區分情況討論。除此之外,亦介紹創用CC授權1.0版至3.0版的變動。最後,探討創用CC授權的困境,例如:多元授權相互間是否有不相容性、以美國的自願性登記制度來探討創用CC授權在台灣是否有持續性與穩定性、探討創用CC授權與網際網路之結合下,在國際私法將會面臨任選法庭之問題。 最後於第五章,介紹創用CC授權的發展運作,其中所討論的機關、組織與團體,包括政府機關、教育團體、非營利性團體、商業團體、著作權仲介團體。包括:一、分析創用CC授權在我國的現行之「政府資訊公開法」等相關法律之下,對於必須提供人民一定政府資訊的政府機關而言,是否為一個可減少行政成本與人力的「公開方式」;二、介紹南非教育部、美國麻省理工學院「開放式課程網頁」與日本的「開放式課程網頁聯盟」,再探討我國目前由教育部所推動的「Etoe教學資源網」。三、以台灣維基棒球館與維基百科的成功以探討非營利性團體適用創用CC授權可與大眾共同創作出著作,除了供應端可節省資源,減少交易成本外,需求端自己也可以增加其價值,故享有經濟優勢。四、介紹六種新興的商業模式,並藉此可得知只要創用CC授權人採用含有「非商業性使用」的授權組合,即可保留其獲利之可能性。五、最後介紹CC授權於2.5版與3.0版如何處理著作權仲介團體與權利金之問題,並探討我國之著作權仲介團體應如何因應創用CC授權此種新興的開放內容授權。


The paper begins with discussing that in the digital era it is difficult to use limitations of copyright and licensing system to create free culture, consequently the use and number of open content licenses are increasing to help to cultivate society’s commons. Licenses such as the Creative Commons License, BBC Creative Archive License, Open Content License, Open Publication License, GNU Free Documentation License, Free Art License, and Open Music License are examples of such open content licenses. After introducing the basic elements and conditions of these licenses in Chapter 3, this paper tries to analyze the nature of Creative Commons License from perspectives of contract agreement and pure license. This analysis will span over different legislations and also touch upon the issues of formation, liabilities, warranties, as well as the problem of how children and teenagers accept and use Creative Commons Licenses. Beyond that, in the cases that a Creative Commons licensor does not have the right to release other’s work, the relationship between the right holder, licensor and licensee is also concerned in the paper. Besides, reliance on revocable licenses is particularly acute when the copyright owner changes hands, as in bankrupcy, death or transfer. Furthermore, the changes in the Creative Commons license from version 1.0 to version 3.0 are discussed and finnally, the troublesome aspects of using Creative Commons licenses. This section includes incompatibility issues and sustainability issues as well as the issue of how to decide the jurisdiction and applicable law when infringement or a breach of contract occurs. In Chapter 5, the paper outlines some different ways that Creative Commons Licenses are applied in different fields: 1.The public sector or government: ways to use Creative Commons License to help people access and re-use the materials produced by publicly funded bodies; 2.Open education resources: the importance of access to knowledge that is unequally distributed; 3.Non-profit organizations: the success of Wikipedia; 4.Six kinds of business models: “Loss Leader”, “Sell Services”, “Free the Content, sell the Platform”, “Sell the Basic Product, Let Users enhance it”, “Wrap Open Content with Commercials”, “Sell the Product, Let Users Advertise It”, and; 5.Collecting societies: how collecting societies tackle the new issues arising from the use of Creative Commons Licenses.




