  • 學位論文


The Study of Precision Cultivation and Traceability System for Seedling Production in Greenhouses Using RFID Technology

指導教授 : 陳世銘


本研究主要是將無線射頻辨識系統(RFID)導入溫室內精準栽培作業流程,搭配溫室內多功能監測系統,對溫室內甘藍種苗植株以遙測光譜影像系統及環境感測器進行相關資訊之擷取,並自行開發一套生產履歷系統,可讓溫室管理者透過遠端監控方式,操控此多功能系統進行種苗本體性狀分析,透過噴桿巡走的同時自動擷取、紀錄相關資訊用以取代人力。由於溫室現場光度變化而導致攝影機曝光取像程式中疊代運算耗時過長,為使系統效能提升速度加快,故修正型自動曝光採用方式為將光環境直接分做四種狀況,較原先曝光演算法節省了約44.44%∼71.55%的時間,測試結果亦提升整體系統效能與穩定性。並利用系統在噴桿停走之資料擷取的空檔,將影像處理分析步驟統一改以LabVIEW撰寫,同步進行即時影像處理與分析,增進運算速率為原本的7倍,且所有步驟簡化為一鍵到底的操作介面。針對不同苗齡的甘藍種苗,透過所擷取之影像計算其植被指數,藉由NDVI及LAI值建立一個正確判別有無苗盤和不同苗齡植株所需的灌溉水份分級表。另外,探討RFID系統在溫室環境中相關的影響參數,本研究中之被動式RFID在此溫室中所適用的讀取距離約為22.5 cm,Antenna與Tag之間的相對位置約為56度。而生產履歷系統能將多功能監測系統所擷取的設施內各點之環境因子與設備作動狀態資訊,透過RFID作為追蹤辨識的依據,建立一套種苗生產履歷資料庫,內部架構涵蓋「栽培管理履歷」(包括NDVI、LAI、灑水量等)以及「設施環境履歷」(包括溫溼度、光量子度、設施作動狀態等)兩大部分。藉此提供育苗場管理者對種苗生長資料的記錄與蒐集,作為種苗栽培、不同管理模式之噴灑依據。另外,藉由Tag來代表不同的種苗標記,可因應栽培作業之不同或移動穴盤苗株分區管理。此溫室內之種苗生產履歷系統不同於以往田間生產履歷的使用,而是首度將RFID配合生產履歷應用於溫室種苗生產系統。


Precision cultivation and multi-function monitoring system for seedling production in greenhouses using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology was used to develop the crop production traceability system in greenhouses. Multi-spectral images with plant-oriented sensing algorithm were measured by remote sensing. To avoid the situations of over-exposure when images were captured, an amended automatic exposure algorithm for camera shutter and gain control was conducted; the result of the performance test indicated not only time saving of approximately 44.44% ~ 71.55%, but also an increased system efficiency and stability. The operation interface was simplified using LabVIEW software, and furthermore, the algorithm was improved by a rate of image processing about 7 times. The irrigation policies for seedlings were established according to the multi-imaging-based calculated NDVI and LAI spatial variations. Besides, the study explored the applications of the passive RFID system in the greenhouse. Regarding the performance test, the best relative distance and angle were 22.5 cm and 56 degree respectively. The study aims to construct a traceability system for seedling production in greenhouses using RFID technology. The contents of the database were divided into two parts, management traceability system and environment traceability system. The traceability system provides the operators with records of seedling growth and management history, that were served as the decision bases for spray and related operations. A tag represented a division of seedlings, in which operations would be taken according to the local circumstances. The traceability system developed in this study is the first application of RFID technology to the greenhouse production.


謝廣文、陳世銘、陳乃菁。2001。育苗環境與甘藍苗品質關係之模糊理論模擬。農業機械學刊 10(2):31-42。


