  • 學位論文


The Impact of Website Quality on Online Trust in the Context of E-Commerce

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


在蓬勃發展的電子商務環境中,消費者的線上信任是極為重要的議題,而購物網站身為消費者與賣家之間的溝通平台,網站品質對信任的影響力也就不可言喻了。為了促使消費者與之交易,賣家必須透過網站提升消費者的信任,進而影響其購買的意願。然而,目前對於網站品質的分類及其如何影響信任,尚未有一個整體的看法;另外,由於理性選擇觀點並無法充分的解釋作出信任決策時,情感和社會影響所扮演的角色,若缺乏情感信任,光是認知信任是不足以充分說明人是如何做出信任與否的決策,但情感信任卻經常被忽略。因此,本研究希望能整理各學者的看法,進一步分析後,進而發展出適合衡量網站品質及消費者信任之構面和量表。 本研究將探討網站品質、認知信任與情感信任的相關文獻,瞭解目前三者相關的研究,進而瞭解三者間的關係。並將根據文獻探討,建構出網站品質、認知信任與情感信任三者之間關係的模型。本研究採用Structural Equation Modeling來驗證研究模型,結果發現網站品質(包括系統品質、資訊品質及服務品質)會顯著地增加消費者的認知信任,消費者的認知信任對情感信任也有顯著地正面影響;另外,額外的中介影響分析也證明了認知信任完全中介了網站品質與情感信任,這顯示了在本研究的背景下,網站品質必須透過認知信任才能夠影響情感信任,也同時說明了認知信任與情感信任為兩個不同且獨立的構面。根據這樣的結果,購物網站能夠利用此模型配合量表,來衡量消費者對其網站品質的認知、期望及信任程度,進而改善或訂定新的管理策略來提供消費者更好的服務。


Online customers’ trust is a very important issue in the context of e-commerce. As a mediator between customers and companies, the website quality of B2C websites definitely has a great impact on online customers’ trust. For encouraging customers to transact with the companies, the companies have to increase their online trust through website. However, there is no consensus about the classification of website quality and how it influences trust until now; besides, the rational choice perspective affords too small a role to emotional and social influences on trust decisions. Cognitive trust can’t explain how people make a trust decision thoroughly, if there is no emotional trust. Recent literature mostly ignored emotional trust, so we would like to develop a model to evaluate and verify the relationships between website quality and online customers’ trust. This research adopted Structural Equation Modeling to verify the model. The result shows that the website quality including system quality, information quality and service quality will significantly increase customers’ cognitive trust, and customers’ cognitive trust will significantly increase their emotional trust; besides, an additional analysis of mediating effects reveals cognitive trust fully mediates the impact of website quality on emotional trust. It explains cognitive trust and emotional trust are two different and independent construct in the context of our research. According to the research result, companies can evaluate customers’ perception, expectation and the degree of trust. Furthermore, companies can improve or establish new strategies to provide better services for customers.


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