  • 學位論文


Landscape Design checklist of Hospital's Healing Garden

指導教授 : 張俊彥


「Healing Garden」指庭園可透過各種環境特性,對人們產生正面效益。在這樣廣義的界定下,治療性庭園的設計並沒有明確的標準和定義來做評斷,便成為本研究欲建立醫院治療性庭園設計檢核表的動機。 本研究以都市醫院庭園為主要研究對象,根據治療性庭園(Healing Garden)與治療性景觀(Healing Landscape)為原則,試著發展出醫院治療性庭園設計檢核表。並假設(1)不同類別的使用者對景觀元素重要性的認知程度有差異、(2)不同類別的使用者對行為活動需求性的需求程度有差異、(3)不同類別的使用者對景觀效益獲得性的期望程度有差異、(4)景觀元素重要性與景觀效益期望性具有正相關、(5)行為活動需求性與景觀效益期望性具有正相關,以及(6)景觀元素重要性與行為活動需求性具有正相關。 本研究主要以量化方法來進行分析,以不同類別使用者為受測樣本,包含醫師、醫技人員、病患及家屬,目的在釐清不同類別的使用者所認知並期望的治療性庭園要項有那些,並探究自變項景觀元素以及行為活動,對依變項景觀效益的相關性,進而分析自變項對依變項的影響力。 研究結果顯示,整體上而言不同類別的使用者對景觀元素重要性認知程度、行為活動需求性認知程度與景觀效益期望性認知程度無顯著差異,但在景觀元素「動物」項達顯著水準 (F=5.82, P<.01),在景觀效益「提供活動」與「社會支持」達顯著水準(F=3.22, P<.05;F=6.70, P<.01)。景觀元素重要性認知與景觀效益期望性認知間呈現正相關(r=0.63, P<.01);行為活動需求性認知與景觀效益期望性認知間呈現正相關(r=0.74, P<.01);景觀元素重要性認知與行為活動需求性認知間呈現正相關(r=0.64, P<.01)。並經由迴歸分析景觀元素重要性認知(β=0.29)與行為活動需求性認知(β=0.55)預測景觀效益期望性認知達顯著(F = 98.22, p<0.05;R2=0.60)。本研究結果可作為醫院治療性庭園的檢核,以及未來規劃設計上的原則參考。


The purpose of this study is to develop a landscape design check list of the hospital’s healing garden. The study of discussions of previous studies about “Healing Garden” and “Healing Landscape”, and contrasting their main guidelines, “landscape elements (for example, plants, water, sun, animal…etc)” and “activity needs (spaces and facilities for sitting, walking, talking, playing, eating, exercising…etc)” were considered important dimensions that have great effects on healing. Hence, the research hypothesized that “landscape elements” and “activity needs” are correlated with “landscape benefits”. Beside this, the “landscape elements” and “activity needs” could be the major causes of landscape benefits from the natural environment. Questionnaire survey were conducted in the Taipei Medical University Wan-Fang Hospital, and participants include doctors, staff, patients and companions (N=144). The statistical analyses used the Pearson correlation to test the relationship between “landscape elements” and “activity needs”, the relationship between “landscape elements” and “landscape benefits”, and the relationship between “activity needs” and “landscape benefits”. Additionally, it also employed a one-way ANOVA to examine the mean difference of variances within each different category users. Results indicated that there is no significant difference in different categories of users in the dimensions of “landscape elements”, and “activity needs”. Significant positive correlations were found between the “landscape elements” and “landscape benefits”, the “activity needs” and “landscape benefits”, as well as the “landscape elements” and “activity needs”. The multiple regressions revealed that the “landscape elements” and “activity needs” significantly predicted “landscape benefits”. In fact, the “landscape elements” and “activity needs” must be the major considerations of the landscape design check list of a hospital’s healing garden. The check list can be used to satisfy the implication for efficiently planning future hospital’s healing space and to evaluate the healing degree in hospital’s garden environment.


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